Saturday, September 3, 2011


Ok, I just had a weird dream. I was working for a restaurant and it was shortly before closing. I got slammed and was trying to get to all of my tables. I look up and my ex, Chris, was at my section with his parents. I guess he didn't know I was working there and I panicked. I was so busy I had someone else pick it up for me, but he did in fact see me. This is an ex I still never really got over but in real life he did recently get married. His wife wasn't in my dream (go figure). He didn't say anything to me, he didn't smile at me, he didn't scowl at me. He was pretty indifferent but he did nod his head in my direction. I ended up in a school that looked similar to my old high school and I was there for some meeting. I was sitting with Erin McShane talking to her about the situation when Nessa came up to me because she overheard what happened. Despite the fact that she hasn't talked to me in almost a year, she asked me a few questions about what happened with Chris being in the restaurant like nothing happened with us. Other stuff happened like big wolf dogs (like in the Eclipse movies), big wrestlers posing to take pictures with me and whatnot.  It was just a weird dream and although it was uncomfortable, I do wish it would happen.

Oh dear

Written at 9:38 am. Posted 2:34 am (simply because I worked a double)

Last night around 1:30 I noticed that the internet was acting up, but I was really tired and didn't really think anything of it. Once I woke up around 9, I noticed I couldn't do anything. Cable wasn't working either. I swear, this happens once to twice a month in this house. I know Daylan said his bills were due around the first of the month, but did he just not pay for last month? Is that why they shut it off the second day of the month? In his defense, this does happen a lot and not just with the cable. It can be a sunny day outside but if the wind is blowing hard, then the power goes off. That happens a lot.

Reason number 1,664 I want to leave this god forsaken place.

However Daylan is notorious for telling me after I send him a text that he has to go to the store after work and pay the bill. Ha, speaking of the devil, he just sent me a text as I started to write all this saying "I'll stop by to pay it and I'm taking the dvr in the bedroom back since it never worked."

Well at least it's not the power. I forgot to charge my phone last night and had the power gone out, my "sleep in" alarm clock would have never gone off. Sleeping in is 9:30. I am normally awake by 8. With how often we lose power on a random occasion, that would suck. It especially sucks when on the rare occasion it rains we lose power. That happened the last two times it rained. Once was at night. I need power to charge my phone and we need power so the stuff in the fridge doesn't spoil. I woke up to rain and once again, no power. Oh let's not forget how I don't have cell phone reception in the lake house but I do when I get off Red Bluff Rd and get on Knickerbocker (one of the main roads in town which is five minutes away from the house).

Reason number 1,527.

What place loses power everytime it rains or gets windy?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I am not a family oriented person, at all. I  have never understood how one can keep in touch with family on such a constant basis. I love Daylan's mom but I have never understood how he could call her every other day on his way to work. It boggled my mind that Tom never cut the apron strings with his family. In fact, he is going to be 28 and is still living with his parents. He only lived away from them for two years of his entire life; one was spent married to me and one was with him in basic training and whatnot. After the separation, he moved back in with his parents. He is now re-married and the new wife is living with them as well.

My dad has been emailing me every few days regarding this move and it's torture to me. We have already discussed the issue. It's like beating a dead horse with a stick thinking the horse will get up. I already know the game plan and I wish he would leave it alone. He also keeps drilling into me that I need to work out my issues with my mother. Him going on and on and on about it isn't making me want to run into my mother's arms and patch things up with her any faster.

The thing is, he is now sending me more emails because I stopped responding to them. How many times can I answer the same questions? I went six months without talking to them and I was completely fine with it. I hope they don't think that just because I am moving back means I am going to talk to them every day.