Monday, July 25, 2011

This is odd....

Ok, I know this may be a little TMI but I've pooped four times since last night. I don't know what is up. I'm not sick. I didn't eat anything different. I haven't taken a stool softener in a while but yet I am pooping four times in 24 hours. Normally I only poop once every two days or so. I hope I'm done. You would think, as the comedian Ron White puts it, I would have just pooped my way into an old wardrobe the way I've been going. Alas, I don't think I am any lighter, although I feel it, and I doubt I fit into my old jeans because the ones I have on now aren't any looser.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What do you do when your personal feelings get the best of you?

I use to pride myself at thinking that I had got over my anger issues at my jobs. I've been at this place for four months and rarely have ever got mad enough to let things affect me. I'm actually one of the few people, at my job, who hasn't literally blown up at work due to what happens around me in high stress. I just happened to fail myself tonight.

Screw the restaurant. Screw what management thinks. I failed myself.

I know that teenage boys don't tip. I just didn't think that this particular table would set me off emotionally. They were so immature. They didn't even want to read the menu because they were too busy insulting each other. They would cough and say derogatory words under their breath such as "faggot", "douche", "cunt" and "asshole".  Any time I would ask them something, they would suddenly laugh at me or be very snippy with me. Yes, I should have grabbed management then, but I also knew that they are in fact teenage boys. They had me running. They kept needing refills, they kept needing extra stuff and I knew that if I didn't, I wouldn't get tipped. I also had a feeling that I wouldn't get tipped anyway.

Lately I've been taking stuff really personally. I don't know what else to do. I'm not making the kind of money everyone else claims to be making. I'm usually happy. I do my side work. I do what I should be doing! How is it I work as a closer for the morning shift, work straight through without a break and still don't even make $90? Another server, who I like, made $90 just from this morning alone. A server I hate "claims" to have made $140 just last night in a two-table section. Of course I don't believe her but she bragged to everyone about it. What is it I'm not doing? No I don't sit and b.s. with my tables but that is because I'm getting their drinks, getting their food and not allowing other servers to do it for me. I want to run my own food. I'm not tardy. I'm not rude. I smile a lot. Is it that I just don't sit and b.s. with my tables? I don't have 20 minute long conversations with them? That can't possibly be it!

Anyway, I kept an eye out and watched the boys leave. The instant they left, I was on that table looking to see if they tipped me. I didn't see anything. No money on the table, in the seats, under the table and I knew a busser hadn't got to it. The boys stiffed me. They sat in my table for an hour, had me run ragged, were rude to me and they didn't even have enough common courtesy to tip me? So I followed them to their truck.

Yes, it was stupid and I could have got fired for it, but the frame of mind I was in was that I've been here working and it hasn't been paying off for me. No, I don't quit because I don't want to have to have on paper that I work at jobs for two months and leave for the "next best thing" because it doesn't sound good. It makes me sound unreliable. Here I am working for 11hrs straight with no break, no real lunch (unless you consider pop tarts and water in the cooler as lunch) and had just been stiffed by three teenage boys. It was like my self worth wasn't even enough for them to tip me. I've been noticing that. People, in general, are all smiles. They pay with large bills but don't tip worth a damn. It's like I am not worthy enough to get more than a dollar per person but they feel no remorse in taking a table for an hour, or longer. They have remorse in making me clean up the horrid mess they leave. It's like they think I make more than $2.13 an hour. It's like their tips will give me way more than half a tank of gas just to get to work. It's like they think couponing simply is a hobby.

I followed them to their truck and I asked them if the service I gave them was so horrible that they didn't even feel the need to leave a tip. Yeah, I knocked on the truck window. I was shaking the whole time because I was that furious. He said he left a tip on the credit card and yet I had JUST left the table. Where was the receipt? I didn't even have proof to show that he did or did not tip me because he didn't leave me a copy. Instead, I told him if he had a fucking problem with my service that he manager's name was Victor and they were more than welcome to march back inside and talk to him.

Sure enough, I was called into the office. I had no proof of a receipt and the ticket was left open. Victor even looked it up on the computer. So three teenage boys won.

Everyone seemed to hear about it. They were all proud of me like I was some damn hero. I stood up to cheap people for every server out there. Whatever. I just felt like I was wronged. I felt like a huge injustice had happened. Even if they did in fact tip me $4 like they claimed, how would that have helped me? $4 for three people over the course of an hour? That is $1.33 per person for an hour's worth of work. How is that even fair? How? I'm not a fucking hero; I'm just someone who got angry enough to do something about it.

It just wasn't everyone else's business to know how I was feeling during and after. It wasn't their business to ask me what happened or high five me. I don't care how "fucking bad ass" I am in their eyes. I just don't see how I can not make money but people who don't seem to care seem to make bank. Everyone seemed proud of me. People who weren't even working that night but came to visit me heard about it. They were coming up to me like I was a celebrity. I just laughed it off and did what I was supposed to do. I did my side work and I did a little extra (not much because I wanted to get out of there). I kept saying "If I was really in trouble, why would I stay as long as I did tonight?" It wasn't their business! It was my personal feelings and I didn't want everyone to know that I took the stiffing personally. I didn't want people to know the power it had over me because it would make them seem more important to me. People can bump fists with me or high five me all they want. At the end of the night, I'm still the one who feels bad because of the whole situation.

I really thought that I had got over this whole anger thing...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The new cold-hearted bitch is in the effin house!

y friend, Brandon, posted a link about how Amy Winehouse died today. Above his link was a caption "I can take sharing a needle with Amy off my list". In the comments I stated how I didn't like the artist. I didn't like her music. I also stated that I wasn't surprised that she died. Apparently that makes me a cold-hearted bitch. "It's so mean. What if it was someone you knew?"

Ok let me set the record straight. I can one up this bullshit on "What if it was someone you knew?" and say that it was someone like...oh me! However I cleaned up my act. Eight years ago I stopped messing with ecstacy, crystal meth and cocaine when my boyfriend at the time and I split up. I realized it wasn't a good path to be on. If I could deviate of that particular sober path than anyone can. Hell, Amy even had money for rehabs, she just never stuck with it. I was lucky that I wasn't addicted but it was still difficult to stop because it became my norm and it was how I remembered my ex.

Simply put, I have absolutely no sympathy for someone who willingly knows the risks and continues to gamble with their lives by taking drugs. Do as much heroin as she did and you'd be lucky to be alive. Keep uping up the doses to "chase the dragon" and eventually death will knock on your door. Am I supposed to feel bad? Hell no. Hell to the no should be more like it. It's like playing russian roulette. It's stupid and you have a good chance of killing yourself but you'd rather put the gun to your head and pull the trigger to get that high of hearing the gun click but nothing happen. I have no sympathy for stupid.

It's stupid to even try drugs. I figured that out in the long run but I was at least smart enough to get out while I could. 

It's a completely different subject to feel horrible for someone who died of cancer. They got dealt a bad hand and it wasn't their fault. Ok, in very few instances it is. You don't smoke two packs a day for twenty years and then act surprised if you get lung cancer or lay out in the sun every day, except when it rains, for hours and be shocked when you have skin cancer. Those are a few occasions when I would say "What the hell were you thinking?" and be on with my day. The rest of the time I would feel complete remorse for someone in that situation. Of course cancer is just an example.

It's no shock to any of us that she died. In fact, I am surprised she lived this long. I hadn't heard from her in years since she hadn't released an album in the states or done a tour here. I just assumed she fell of the radar in a drug induced stupor. Yes, she is now a member of Club 27. It seems to be the magic number. I do feel bad for her family but that is about as much remorse as I am capable of giving given the current situation.

She didn't deserve to die. Amy should have seeked the help she needed and lived a long and fulfilling life. My life got tremendously better once I got clean. She should have had the same luck I did but she never sought to have the same kind of life. It didn't help that allegedly she also suffered from various eating disorders, alcoholism and bipolor disorder. Heroin isn't going to fix those problems. Her family doesn't deserve the heartache that she has caused. I'm sure they saw it coming but hoped that she would find her way and survive the mess she was in. She was lost and she is no longer suffering however "They tried to make me go to rehab and I said 'No!' 'No!' 'No!'

I just never liked the chick. I thought she looked like a drug addict. I thought she looked ridiculous. I didn't like how she sang nor did I like the kinds of songs she sang. I thought she was someone who got lucky and was able to fund her addiction. Screw that, she went beyond funding her addiction. A lot of my friends really liked her. It's ok. I love Lady Gaga and most of my friends don't understand why. It is what it is. I just didn't like the girl. It isn't speaking ill-will of the dead. I'm not saying how reckless she was (although she was) or how screaming cats sounded better. If this means I am a cold, heartless bitch, then by all means I will take that title with pride.

People know I am talking about the truth when it comes to this matter. I am not being malicious just because I am enjoying the sick pleasure. I just know she was too damn weak to do anything to make her situation better. She was too weak to say no to drugs and that was out of sheer stupidity. She refused to go into councelling, to leave all her old acquaintences and start over in a new area. She wasn't brave enough to do that. Her addiction was too strong. The whole world knows that inside that envelope at the Medical Examiner's office, the report will say "Cause of Death: Heroin Overdose." I am allowed to have my opinions about her because I have that right, but I also was into drugs and I escaped. If I could do it, anyone can, and I was broke! I was broke and I was broken.

Apparently I was a "shining example of the entire human race" due to my warm heart and empathy. LOL. All because I said I was not shocked that she died, I didn't like her or her work (Amy Winehouse). I know I am not alone in my opinions of her. I'll be cold-hearted all I want. If people ask for help, they will get help. Clearly we all know Amy was not about to live to see the ripe old age of 70 the way she was going.

Friday, July 22, 2011

One day I can finally buy all the baby stuff I've been eyeing.

I got really antsy and excited for some reason tonight. We were watching I Am Number Four and I wasn't this hyped up during the movie. For some reason I just had to leave the house. I figured Walmart would be my best bet because I could wander around the store for as long as necessary without worrying about it closing.

I did walk everywhere but where did I end up without realizing it? The baby section. How long was I there? An hour. I glanced at everything else in the store and came to the conclusion that I will try to shop at Walmart for a bit to see if the savings are any better here. Normally I only buy stuff from Walgreens when it's on sale or they have register rewards for them, but I will give Walmart a try since I've noticed that things generally are cheaper here. Back to the point of this particular blog.

I'm walking around the baby section. I don't even realize I am taking pictures of certain things till my phone froze and I had to restart it. In my head I was taking pictures to add to my baby want list on Amazon. I just didn't realize that was what I was doing. I suppose I am not surprised. I've been thinking about babies for a year or so. It's been a constant thing since Gabriel was born but this past year it's been heating up to a fever. I'm just not ready to buy all the things required. I would have to start from scratch.

In a previous blog, I listed all the things needed when it came to having a baby. The baby list It's a pretty extensive list. Babies need so much more stuff than adults do. Of course the stuff I like best are the more expensive stuff, but it's also because I know it won't fall apart as easily. You might as well buy stuff that is safe and that lasts. You never know when I may want to have a third child and will need all that stuff again.

I still feel that I will start getting small stuff for a baby whenever I move back to Florida. Bottles, blankets, whatever will curb this hunger inside of me. You always have to start small when it comes to planning to afford a baby. It's whatever you can get whenever you can. Besides, you never know if you will be able to have a baby shower. It's best to not rely on it but it's nice to have one regardless. Besides, we still have to worry about a wedding and finding a house. We still want to look through foreclosure listings whenever we are ready, so it will be easier to just get baby stuff as I go. I won't have any "surprises" since I can't get pregnant till I take my IUD out.

I want so badly to find out that I am pregnant, but I know myself. I'd still worry throughout about finances and having things I need. I'd worry about when I could go back to work, who would watch the baby etc. Still, it would be a joy to know that I am at least a little prepared whenever the stick says "positive".

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sands of time

I often stop to wonder when I became an adult. Exactly what day or what moment was it? There are endless moments to pin-point and it just seems to be unclear when it happened. It would be nice if there was a bell or a light that flickered to signal that change within myself. Through the endless heartaches, triumphs, milestones, dilemmas, and goals there had to have been a single instant.

About 150 years ago, it was still common to be married when you were fourteen and a mother by the time you were fifteen. You became a woman around that time period. Now there are more factors involved. While I haven't had the college degree that others have had, other things have happened that has changed me for the better. I'm certainly not the same person I was ten years ago.

For instance, I thought too much into what people thought about me. I couldn't stand being indoors. Well, that part hasn't changed but I am more tolerate of it. I can be at home, by myself or with someone else, for longer stretches of time before cabin fever sets in. I don't have elaborate or outlandish goals anymore. My wants and needs are far more practical. Patience was something I didn't have ten years ago. That came with age and experience. I don't somehow get sucked into drama anymore. I have become the go-to person for certain things. For instance, a server at my job asked my advice on legal and financial matters when it came to "buying" a car off of a friend to help him out but he is going to buy the car back with in a few months. I gave her advice as to what to do in case her friend backs out of the deal. I don't feel the need to always wear makeup when I'm not at work, get dressed up or do my hair. I grocery shop and do my coupon shopping without makeup, with my hair in a ponytail and in just a tank top and jeans. Who am I trying to impress? I now know there are consequences for every action and responsibilities that come with the territory. I may spend a lot on my stock pile but I don't blow my money on things I did when I was younger. I don't get my nails done, go to salons on a regular basis, buy tons of clothes and cds, buy insane amounts of shoes and purses, go to clubs or concerts or spend lavish amounts of money on others. I know there are things I need to save up for. I am content reading, doing makeup, watching movies and/or blogging. When I was 18, I wanted to be anywhere and everywhere.

When I was 18, I didn't have much regard for most people. There were a handful who's opinions and feelings I took into account, but for the most part I had the "Screw the world" mentality. I was reckless and careless. I lived in the moment and didn't really live for the future. My dreams weren't too big, but they were just too impractical. It didn't fit who I was back then and it sure doesn't fit who I am now. My judgement of character was faulty as well. I was too willing to trust anyone while now I take what people say to me with a grain of salt. I thought anyone who was my friend was willing to be there for me whenever, even if it wasn't important. It wasn't necessarily selfish of me because I did that for them (at the time) to the best of my abilities. Now I understand that people have families, careers and/or school to tend to first. I don't get offended if I don't hear back from people immediately. Excuses weren't valid to me because most of my friends weren't married or parents when we were 18. Now they are.

I try to remember who I was back then and I'm sure I was just as annoying as most 18 year old girls are now. I can't stand them now and I bet I would "hate" me if I happened to be side-by-side with my 18-year-old me. Oh the things I would say to me. I could easily come up with advice that I would have to follow.

I know I haven't done a 180 completely. There are certainly a lot of the same things that I liked then that I still love now. I still look the same, for the most part. It's just that I have matured some within the past ten years and I know I will still have made vast improvements upon myself within the next ten years. So I wonder, what will I be like then?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rehab may be in my future

I think it is pretty safe to say that I have a real problem here. I have not got to the point where I eat, sleep and breathe with it on my mind but it's certainly something I search for the moment I wake up and the moment I get home from work. I grab my laptop, get on the internet and begin my search for my next big fix. The good stuff can only come once a week, but sometimes there is enough time and money left over to go and get seconds.

I suppose it could be worse. There are those who blow off friends and family just for the search, for the thrill, for the high. Some spend upwards to 60hrs a week doing searches and preparing for this adventure of epic proportions. My sleep certainly could be cut short by this. While the addiction certainly is there, it hasn't debilitated my life. Do you suppose they have meetings for this sort of thing?

Hello, my name is Cass and I am a coupon addict (Hi Cass).

For someone who is still new to the scene, I don't do horribly. The thing is that if I had stores like Rite-Aid, Krogers and Food Lion, I would be getting much better deals. Albertson's just started a system where they double and triple coupons, but these coupons have low values. Up to $.30 can be tripled and up to $.49 (or is it $.50?) can be doubled. I wish it would go up to a dollar. I would be in business then.

It just seems that I spend a decent chunk of time trying to find online coupons to print so I can cut them out. Cutting coupons from the printer, or from the inserts, is just a part of that high. With every clip, I have the phrase "Winning!" popping in my head. I typically will print something everyday but only clip once a week. The process of clipping could last up to an hour with me depending on how many coupons I have and what program I just happen to be watching on tv. I use to have scissors in the car so I could clip some last minute coupons before I went to the store.

I imagine the great specials that Walgreens or CVS could have and hope that some BOGO deals will pop up so that I can maximize my savings. Oh how I love certain words. "BOGO", "Sale", "Free" etc. Those words can mean gold! At the moment my savings tends to be 50% off no matter if it is grocery (at Albertson's) or at Walgreens. A few times it's been in the upper 60's. I believe my highest savings was 73%. You have to understand that not a lot of stores will let you double store coupons with manufacturer coupons. Only one store here allows you to double coupons. Typically I am online for hours finding the right links to give me what I want and I spend quite a bit of time on and looking through their weekly circulars. I write stuff down. I figure out which of the two is the best deal and try to get the highest coupon with that. It still ends up being around a 50% savings, but considering what it is I am working with, 50% is still pretty damn good. If I had the right stores here, I could be upwards in the 90% range but beggars can't be choosers. Maybe I can move to an area where I have all these stores.

I do need to eventually switch over to my coupon binder. My little black booklet is starting to get rather full and hard to close. I plan on using my black one for grocery items and my binder for non-grocery items since I have more of those. I try to get a little bit of everything, but only brands that I know I would buy. I'm not brand loyal but I'm certainly not going to clip coupons for cat food since my cat isn't with me right now, but I will clip coupons for cereal. It doesn't matter if it is Kelloggs or General Mills. Both have deals and specials. I am not picky when it comes to laundry detergent but I try to only buy Secret Clinical if I can.  I have so many various coupons that it just seems as though I will have a hard time finding anything soon. I just know that binders are easier for people if they have more than four coupons of the same item. I have not got to that stage yet, but soon.

Right now I want to go back to the store for more back-to-school stuff. Eventually I will be back in college and Gabriel will be in the first grade next year. Walgreens has one subject notebooks for $.40 right now. They have a bunch! CVS has sales as well. Supposedly next week's sales will be even better, but that is just here say right now. It's the newest fix in this addiction. I still leave Walgreens with a shopping cart full of stuff, which isn't saying much since their carts are much smaller than a typical grocery cart. I haven't got to the point where I need six carts that are piled with items, but maybe one day. I just don't have the space to be storing stuff like that. One day I will have my own house. Daylan already said that I could have a designated space for my stock pile and it would be enough space to where it could grow a bit. Then I could have these shopping carts full of stuff I don't need, but can donate, so that either I can use the overages to pay for the items I really do need or I could simply have stuff to donate to shelters of any kind. One day I will make donations to pet shelters and perhaps a women's shelter. Oh one day my shopping carts will look like those on Extreme Couponing.

Until then, I am completely content with the small amounts I do now. Of course I have to reorganize my stock pile and I'm not sure how or where I'm going to put these new items. Certain stuff I can stop on, like the pads, band-aids, men's deodorent, men's body wash and tampons, but other stuff like neosporin, toilet paper and air freshener are more difficult to come by. I'm getting there eventually and it's with the help of coupons and Walgreens.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A new phenom---LULZ

I just had a dream within a dream. That is some Inception shit :) Apparently it is called Lucid Dreaming because most people  do not realize that in a dream they are dreaming but this isn't quite it. I didn't now I was dreaming but I knew my dream self had had a dream of her own.

In this dream, I was seeing this guy that I use to go to high school with, Derrick Richardson. I haven't thought about him in years. I really have no reason to be thinking about him at all. In the dream, he was aspiring to be part of some R&B group so he formed one called LULZ. I have no idea what it means or what it stands for both in real life or in the dream. He wanted everyone to dress a like, like in a boy band, where everyone wore American flag carpender pants with the Army style P.T. shirts and black lace up boots.
These aren't the exact pants but it's the closest thing I could find online. They were denim material just like men's carpenter pants. 

They would all dance military styled dance routines with a lot of foot stomping. To get the message across, they would have back-up dancers who did the same thing. My dream self thought that this dream was hilarious so I went to work to go see Derrick. He was one of the cooks in the restaurant (which was set up like Cheddars). I told him about the dream I had and he didn't find it as funny as I did. "I'm in a group called 'Dolls'" "No! LULZ" I doubled over from laughing so hard that tears were coming down my face. I remember looking through the CA line and in between laughs said "I'm not creative enough to just make this up!"

That is when I woke up. I had a dream within a dream. How wicked is that?
Just add tears and that would have been me in the dream.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I started a petition

This is the link you should click to sign a petition I started. I don't know if it will do any good, but I am hoping that maybe this is going to be the start needed to get Westboro to quit doing what they are doing. A family in Niceville has died. Almost an entire family died in a plane crash leaving the oldest, a sixteen year old, alone. Seven members of her family has died. Westboro is coming to MY hometown tomorrow to picket the funeral at 1pm because seven is some sort of important number. God made the plane crash to teach everyone a lesson. Really? This makes my blood boil! I don't care if my petition only gets 10 signatures as long as other petitions are started and actually make it to where these, or any other, people are not allowed to do this anymore. Screw the first amendment. They can protest anywhere EXCEPT where the funeral is being held!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I'm tired of being tired

My schedule change finally came in, but it's not quite how I wanted it. They still have me working three doubles and rather than working Friday morning, like I asked, I am working Friday night. I'm still a double on Sunday. Maybe if I say something that will all change. All I can hope for is that my single shifts will be in a "closing" section so I can benefit the most from it. I mean that was the whole reason for this. We have enough servers now to where my wanting less doubles shouldn't be a problem. Either they just don't care what I want or they really like me and want me in the restaurant. Regardless of their reasoning behind not completely following through with my change of availability, I still had reasons for doing it. I wanted to make more money  on ONE single shift since working doubles isn't paying out. Well, that and so I wouldn't be so damn tired.

I am working on my sleep habits again, but working these doubles aren't helping. I am wanting to be asleep by midnight but so far I am just happy to be asleep by 1am. I am taking 3mg of Melatonin again and so far it's working. I'm also reading Gone With The Wind. I tend to fall asleep if I read in bed, no matter how awesome the book is. I just started so I can't report on the book. It just seems that if I wake up by 8am, I am still tired. I end up going back to sleep till my next alarm goes off at 9:30am. I can't sleep past that point because I have to get ready for work. Yesterday I slept 9hrs and woke up at 10:30 since it was my day off (and my phone conveniently died). I'm still tired. If I sleep 8 hours, I am tired. If I sleep 10 hours I am exhausted. If I sleep 5-6....yeah I'm barely functioning. Do I literally have to sleep an entire day just to get caught up? I'm just a waitress, it's not like I am being abusive to myself.

My day off really wasn't that productive. I mean we went to his dad and step-mom's house to do laundry and that took quite a few hours. I had three loads (white, dark and color) but the whites always take forever with that washing machine (Oh, the tip I got that peroxide would take out the tray and ink marks on my shirt was false). I tried to take a nap while I was there, but Daylan was his annoying self the whole time and would bother me every ten minutes on the dot. I did manage to clip more coupons and organize them. I just didn't feel like organizing my coupon book and taking out the expired ones. We didn't even stay the whole time because his step-mom came home and then neighbors came over to talk about how someone called the authorities on their dog (I guess the dog was barking a lot last night). One, I don't like his step-mother. Two, I don't know these people so why would I stay in a house that isn't mine? We took the clothes that was still damp out of the dryer, because I TOLD Daylan we were leaving, and left to go home.

We also went grocery shopping which wasn't that fulfilling. We are trying HEB again since it is supposed to be cheaper but they don't have a lot of sales. I saved $20 with coupons but I'm so use to the sales at Albertson's so my receipt really wasn't that phenomenal. I know it's the sales paired with my coupons that gives me the high savings amount. It's the same amount of coupons I use for Albertson's but that store is more expensive. I think I want to try Walmart next. I don't know. Both typically don't do store sales. They are supposed to be "rock bottom" stores.

Other than that, we watched the first Harry Potter movie. With the final movie coming out in a few days, I want to do a recap on the previous movies. I haven't read the books so I don't know all the fine details but we do own the movies. I want to know what is going on before I watch the final one. I know the only one I really should watch are the last two but I want to get the whole storyline down before this final movie. I can't believe it's ending.

With my day off being as lax as it was, I didn't even do any ironing, how is it that I am still tired? I was asleep probably by 12:30am and my alarm went off at 8. That isn't horribly by any means. I even slept in yesterday but I could easily go back to sleep now. I would have went to sleep yesterday if Daylan wasn't being such an immature idiot (to which he responds that just because I am a sour puss doesn't mean he has to be one, to which I told him to either bother the dog or bother himself because I want him to leave me alone), he wouldn't stop poking me. He is about to be 25 in two weeks. He needs to act his age and stop acting like he is 12. It's been beyond annoying the past few months. Yes, it's funny periodically but when I tell him to stop, he needs to stop. He wonders why I always hit him, hard, on the shoulder. It's better than hitting him in the face because he won't listen to me.

Alas, it's almost 9 and I need to hop in the shower really quick so I can get ready for work. I still have to find my uniform somewhere in the hamper, iron it, put makeup on and eat breakfast. Geez I am glad I am a single shift today.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh how the young fall

I'm getting to be concerned about one of the kids that I work with. He is one of the bus boys and he use to do a really good job at work. Now it seems as though he spends more time walking and talking with the servers than he does actually working. He even borrowed some money from us so he could get lunch, but he ended up getting other stuff too. If you don't have money and are borrowing it, why are you getting desserts?

Yesterday he was late to work and some of the servers were talking about how he got so trashed last night that he was becoming annoying. He is 17 and they had to call his mom to tell her he was going to sleep on their couch last night. Well, I don't know if they called her or not, but regardless. He came in to work with his pants tore up to hell. He didn't even look alive when he came in. He looked like he was sleep walking. He was very hungover. He wouldn't even do his job and when he did, he was dropping glasses and dishes.

Sarah told him to go home when she saw that his pants were tore up. She could also see through his shirt to see the shirt he had written on underneath. I guess he was supposed to work a double because he ended up coming back to the store but in his street clothes. He was high as a kite. I could smell pot on him. Yes, I got on to him about it and he got angry at me. Who the hell shows up at their job, high, and goes back to get their own food and drinks? When I saw him he was getting a drink but since he was high and probably getting the munchies, I'm sure he was going to try to con someone to get him some free food as well. He did not like my telling him he needed to get out of the back of the restaurant. It looks bad on us! A customer who is walking past the kitchen to get go to the bathroom could walk past him as he is leaving the kitchen and would smell the pot on him. It wasn't subtle, it was powerful. I probably could have got a second hand high being around him. That looks horrible on us as a restaurant!

Another server told him to go home and spend time with his mom.  He made it very clear. I guess he saw the busser last night and saw how he was. Perhaps he has seen a lot of him lately and has seen him drink. I don't know what's been going on lately but I noticed the boy say he was drinking a few months ago and that his mom is pretty lenient as far as what he does. I wonder if his mother knows the whole story.

Either way, this is not a good path for the boy to be taking. Drinking on a regular basis and smoking that much pot in a single sitting? Yes I drank and smoked pot when I was a kid. I also knew not to drink or smoke much but I was still a KID. I was 17 once and hell I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I thought I knew it all but I know I didn't. I also knew deep down I didn't. This boy is not going down a good path. He is screwing up his job on top of this. I remember what being a teenager was like but I also remember seeing much more happiness when I got out of that phase.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Evacuate the dance floor, I'm infected by the sound.

The schedule comes out tonight so I am hoping that this is going to be the week that my schedule is going to conform to how I want it. I did a minor change to what I originally posted on here. I decided, for the sake of having the hours, to do a double on Saturday too (or was it Thursday?) since Daylan typically closes both nights. I am hoping they are done screwing with his schedule and will have him back to what he normally works because a large part of why I did the change of availability was to work more around his schedule so I wouldn't have to get rides home from my co-workers.

This is what my schedule should looks like:
Monday: off
Tuesday 10:50-4
Wednesday: off
Thursday 11-3 & 5-9
Friday: 10:50-4
Saturday: 11-3 & 5-9
Sunday: 10:50-4

I knew it would take two weeks to take effect but tomorrow should be the start of the schedule I want. If that is in fact the case, I just have to kick my butt into gear and mentally tell myself there is now time to do what I need to do. I've got out of the habit of ironing and cooking so I have to leave notes for myself to remind myself to do it. You know, notes on the laptop and on the mirror. I need to get into the habit of coming up with a weekly meal plan so that I can come up with a more accurate shopping list. Since I've been working doubles, we've been getting soups, tv dinners, processed garbage like lean pockets and it isn't saving us money. Yeah we can get great deals on it but fruits and vegetables are better. They just go bad before I can even get to eat them. I don't even know why I had been trying before because they just end up in the trash. So I can get back into eating more healthy (well healthier since I have been trying to make some wise choices considering).

Dillon said that he can get me a free copy of Insanity in a week or so. I already bought a 4G flash drive so that he can put it on there. I just need to find the cable required to link my laptop to the tv so I can start doing those work outs here at the house. I also rented a dance game on the Kinect (since our cable finally came in the mail after ten which I got a refund for the shipping since we spent $10 for fast shipping), but so far the game is mediocre. My living room isn't long enough since the Kinect has to have my body within the "computer body". If I were 5'6", this wouldn't be a problem but since I am 5'10" I have to stand further back. It means that I keep bumping into the table and hitting my hands on the chairs. Not only that, I'm not so sure how accurate this thing really is. I am killing it on the Lady Gaga song but the others are saying I'm not landing the moves right. I don't know what else I can do to get these moves. I'm going to try the sports one on Monday and see if I like that one better. The whole purpose of these was to get me moving around more (besides running around at work) since it's too damn hot to walk around outside. I want to lose the inches required.

Today is my last double for the week so I am excited to be off tomorrow. We have a meeting on Saturday at 9 am to discuss the servers and the LACK of certain ones doing their side work. It was a huge issue Friday night and I almost got into a fight with a server who was skipping out on her duties (but still saying the rest of us were lazy for not helping her run her food). Because of that, I am definitely excited to be able to have some input. I am also excited to simply be off of work. We were slow yesterday afternoon, but I did make a $15 tip from a two top which put me at $49 for a single.  I did loan a busser $5 so I would have made $54. Not bad for it being slow. The double I did on Friday only made $82. I would have made more if I didn't have to get lunch and then tip. It would have been more like $92.

Alas, I should sign off the laptop so I can get ready for work. I still have to get ready and take my butt up there. It should be a good day. I'm hoping a few people will be at work to help make things more fun (if not funny) so the day should go smoothly. On top of that, I need to come up with a to-do list. I do know I need to get clear balls for my tongue ring and possibly my smiley. Eric hasn't said anything to me yet but I should get it just in case because I am not taking these out. Add laundry, dishes, cooking, couponing/shopping and ironing to that to-do list and I will have enough stuff to occupy me all week. I just have to get through my double at work first.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Word to the wise

You are not the only one who matters.
You are not the only one who has a full table section.
You are not the only one who is needing help.

So how about you get your lazy ass up and do some shit you are supposed to do! People are busy checking on their own tables and running their own food. They are too busy trying to keep their tables happy to try and keep yours. With that in mind, so your damn side work and quit leaving it for other people to do. You may be busy but we are too. We have far too much on our plates to add your problems to ours. You are an adult. Act like one and stop fucking whining because you are not getting your way.

And for that matter, quit calling every other server lazy when you are the one who has been slacking on your duties. Screw the fact you are in a section you don't want and no one wanted to trade. Screw the fact that you need help running your food and are asking people who already have both hands full. Screw you and the high horse you seem to have rode in on. Take that tiara off your head and shove it up your ass. You are a server. You are not God. You are not the manager. You are "lowly" just like the rest of us and are working for tips just like the rest of us so get your lazy ass up and do your fucking job!

Learn to smell the roses

Some of these people I work with are unreal. They donmt ever want to be here and want to give their shifts away. I want to ask them why they don't just change their availability. That weekend is when they need to pick up shifts because rent is due but come Monday are wanting to give shifts away. Others talk trash about management or other servers to the point that I want to ask why they still work here. The managers aren't going anywhere.

Look, I get irritated too but I donmt mind coming to work. I know the managers don't hate me. They are not trying to screw me over. The tables (customers) are cheap but I can't help that. Even our good servers complain about tables. It is what it is. I do "like" it here. I just wish people would drop their negative attitudes. I know most of them smoke pot.....go smoke some more if it keeps you from complaining so much.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why I am a Super Trooper

Ever since Saturday night, I've been wanting to get another piercing. I admit, I had been drinking when I wanted to go but it wasn't such a spontaneous decision. It was something I've been wanting to do for years but was too much of a coward to do it, not to mention I was down one already (my tongue ring had to be taken out when it got infected). "What if I get a good job?" I then realized that most jobs are pretty lenient with oral piercings. If all else fails, I'll either get a clear ball, a clear ring (if they have any) or I'll simply get a curved barbell.

Sunday and Monday I set out trying to find places to do this thing, but no one was open. I was so angry. Why couldn't this town be like Florida? Tattoo parlors are open every day from noon till 1am. What is this garbage of 2-10pm and closed Sundays and Mondays? I mean come on. There are people, like me, who are impatient and I certainly wasn't going to try to do this myself. Ok, I am into pain but I certainly don't want to be the one inflicting pain on myself. I don't play that kind of game.

Last night, when I found out I was being cut early, I quickly got my section cleaned and had my side work finished. I hoped in the car and went to the closest place I could think of. I really don't remember the name but it's by the college. It was a rinky dink little parlor. The main area was the size of my bedroom and the bathroom couldn't have been much larger than mine. I still went inside. She told me "$60 for the two" and it was a done deal. I took my tie off and sat in the chair.

The first one was the smiley. The lady was really excited that I came in asking for this one. Apparently she's been trying to sell it here but no one seems to want it. It just isn't their thing. Everyone wants navel piercings and tongue rings. That seems to be playing out so she said the next ones are snake bites and monroes. I told her I've had just about everything but have had to take it out for one reason or another but this was one I had really been thinking about for a while. She handed me a cup of Listerine and we began the process. She did warn me that she might accidently get my lip. You have to understand that the web that connects your upper lip to your gums is small and since the inside of the lip has saliva on it, it tends to be slick. I held my upper lip up so she could put the clamps on. It's all about teamwork baby. Now the first piercing really didn't hurt. I was completely shocked with how smoothly that went. It was like biting the inside of my cheek. The problem was that it was uneven. She also said there was a chance of rejection and asked if I would mind if we re-did it. In my mind, I knew it would be more painful but I didn't want to have any issues, so I told her it was ok. She took the needle out, got a new one and clamped me again.

This piercing was much more painful. It wasn't bad enough to make me jump or scream, but it was enough for my hands to ball into fists. A single tear went down my cheek out of reflex. That portion of your face is so close to your nose, which has hundreds of thousands of blood vessels. It hurts to pierce your nose and your eyes automatically water if you get your septum done. This was no exception. This was the part where I really started to bleed. Because I now had two holes in that small flap of skin, I was bleeding a lot. She was having a hard time keeping a grip so she left the needle in. It was poking my lip but it wasn't horrible. She gave me some paper towels and I applied pressure for a few minutes till the bleeding stopped. It really wasn't any surprise; I tend to bleed more with oral piercings.

The next was my tongue. I told her that I have blood vessels both in the center and on both sides so she would have to go at an angle. I showed her my scar and told her about the two previous ones that I had. She asked if I wanted it in the same spot or if I wanted to deviate a little. I preferred it where it was so she told me that this time would be more difficult. She clamped my tongue, which was more painful than I remember, and she put the cork underneath. The needle going through was much more painful than the first two I had there, but I figured it would be. My tongue closed up in that same spot twice already. I knew it wouldn't be a pleasant experience (but I'd still do it again knowing what I know now).

She said I was a trooper. For as much as I bled, I didn't make the job any more difficult and I didn't give her a hard time. I mean the smiley is rather difficult to pierce when you think about it. I still tipped her $10. I really wanted Daylan there so that he could take pictures of the process, but I'm glad he didn't because most of my friends are really squeamish when it comes to blood. Instead, I'll post pictures of the piercings. Keep in mind, it hasn't healed yet so I am much more red than I normally am. Once I heal, my mouth will look more normal and pink.

So that is my mouth in a nutshell. It's nothing really extreme but it's not a piercing that is everywhere. I have only seen it in person once. Buffy had it and I fell in love with it. As you can tell, I always smile big and you can always see my teeth. This is a piercing that I hide without effort when I am talking. It's only when I smile that you see it; hence the name "Smiley".

The general concensus is that it's weird but it suits me perfectly. I don't fit the typical mold so this is the perfect  thing for me. It's weird, it's wild and only I can pull it off. Ok, I know I'm not the only one but it's like my red hair. People want to try it but they aren't bold enough. If they are bold enough, sometimes they can't pull it off.  It just feels weird. It's not sore or tender, it's just not a feeling I am use to. It isn't that it feels weird laying on my gums but rather it feels weird rubbing on the inside of my lip. My tongue only hurts if I talk a lot. Eating is no where near the issue it was with my first two efforts. Of course it has got better each time. So that is my adventure with a needle.

It's hard to imagine that I use to have a huge phobia with needles. Once I turned 18, I got tattoos and piercings to combat that fear. Here I am with a ring in a place most people wouldn't even imagine having one. Most haven't even heard or seen of this but here I am. Obviously that fear is no longer in effect.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

If I had the car...

I would have gone to see some friends when I got off of work.
I would have went to get my tongue re-pierced.
I would have got my smiley pierced. Trust me, that brings a huge smile to my face.
I would have talked some co-workers into going to the bar with me (since it seems to be the only place everyone meets up as a group).
I would have went to Sally's for some hair care stuff. They also have accessories to make my hair pure awesome.
I would have grabbed more rum for Tricia for when she comes over on Monday.

Alas. I don't have the car and everything closes at 8 over here.

Ring My Bell

There is one particular song that keeps playing at my job. I can't help but laugh due to the memory I have with this particular song. I had 70's music, I really do, but this song makes me want to cry due to laughing every time I hear it. You have to listen to the chorus because it's the only part of the song that brings on this particular memory. Let me paint a picture for you.

I was at a girlfriend's house when we were freshmen in high school. We were still into N*Sync and Backstreet Boys around that time. I remember because the posters were on her wall. Out of boredom we decided that we wanted to watch The Little Mermaid. The only copy in the house was one that was recorded on a VHS tape that had other stuff on it. I love dvds because you can automatically start at the beginning. Those are amazing devices however the VHS was all we had. We put it in the machine to see if we needed to rewind or fast forward to get to where we wanted. We knew we weren't on our movie because there was a different scene on it. We couldn't quite figure out what was going on so therefore our freshmen curiosity told us to watch it.

There was a blonde woman in feathered hair, a midriff showing shirt and some Daisy Dukes sitting on a medical table. She had her palms face down on the corner of the table and was leaning forward rocking her feet underneath her. In came a doctor with his white lab coat. The woman smiled coyly while the doctor shut the door behind him. He asked her what brought her to his office. She said that she was having some throat pains recently and swallowing was very difficult. He told her to open her mouth and put a tongue compressor in.

What was the verdict? She had a bell lodged in her throat. Yup. A her throat. Yeah.

The woman feigns shock and surprise by placing her hands softly over her mouth as she says "Oh no!" in the worst way to say it. Poor acting. Her eyes get wide. Pssshhhh. Around this time in the scene, the music changed and it was the instrumental version of the song that I linked in the beginning of the blog. The doctor said that this was a strange anomoly and that the only way he knew how to dislodge the object was to either retract it or force it to pass through her system. Guess which option THEY chose!

Yeah, this was a porn!

We didn't watch much farther into this. Suddenly the chorus for the song is playing as she unzips the doctor's pants and proceeds to give him head. I guess the head of his penis was supposed to "ring the bell" and then it would be dislodged from her throat. Needless to say, every time I hear this song play at my job, which is pretty frequent, I want to crack up laughing. I go to co-workers, such as Tim, and say in a seductive voice "Ring my bell, baby" but they never understand the joke. In my head, I am making fun of the girl in the porno because I am just a silly individual.

I finally told the story to some of the other servers when they finally asked me why I kept laughing so hard. Oh the memories of my childhood!