Sunday, July 10, 2011

Evacuate the dance floor, I'm infected by the sound.

The schedule comes out tonight so I am hoping that this is going to be the week that my schedule is going to conform to how I want it. I did a minor change to what I originally posted on here. I decided, for the sake of having the hours, to do a double on Saturday too (or was it Thursday?) since Daylan typically closes both nights. I am hoping they are done screwing with his schedule and will have him back to what he normally works because a large part of why I did the change of availability was to work more around his schedule so I wouldn't have to get rides home from my co-workers.

This is what my schedule should looks like:
Monday: off
Tuesday 10:50-4
Wednesday: off
Thursday 11-3 & 5-9
Friday: 10:50-4
Saturday: 11-3 & 5-9
Sunday: 10:50-4

I knew it would take two weeks to take effect but tomorrow should be the start of the schedule I want. If that is in fact the case, I just have to kick my butt into gear and mentally tell myself there is now time to do what I need to do. I've got out of the habit of ironing and cooking so I have to leave notes for myself to remind myself to do it. You know, notes on the laptop and on the mirror. I need to get into the habit of coming up with a weekly meal plan so that I can come up with a more accurate shopping list. Since I've been working doubles, we've been getting soups, tv dinners, processed garbage like lean pockets and it isn't saving us money. Yeah we can get great deals on it but fruits and vegetables are better. They just go bad before I can even get to eat them. I don't even know why I had been trying before because they just end up in the trash. So I can get back into eating more healthy (well healthier since I have been trying to make some wise choices considering).

Dillon said that he can get me a free copy of Insanity in a week or so. I already bought a 4G flash drive so that he can put it on there. I just need to find the cable required to link my laptop to the tv so I can start doing those work outs here at the house. I also rented a dance game on the Kinect (since our cable finally came in the mail after ten which I got a refund for the shipping since we spent $10 for fast shipping), but so far the game is mediocre. My living room isn't long enough since the Kinect has to have my body within the "computer body". If I were 5'6", this wouldn't be a problem but since I am 5'10" I have to stand further back. It means that I keep bumping into the table and hitting my hands on the chairs. Not only that, I'm not so sure how accurate this thing really is. I am killing it on the Lady Gaga song but the others are saying I'm not landing the moves right. I don't know what else I can do to get these moves. I'm going to try the sports one on Monday and see if I like that one better. The whole purpose of these was to get me moving around more (besides running around at work) since it's too damn hot to walk around outside. I want to lose the inches required.

Today is my last double for the week so I am excited to be off tomorrow. We have a meeting on Saturday at 9 am to discuss the servers and the LACK of certain ones doing their side work. It was a huge issue Friday night and I almost got into a fight with a server who was skipping out on her duties (but still saying the rest of us were lazy for not helping her run her food). Because of that, I am definitely excited to be able to have some input. I am also excited to simply be off of work. We were slow yesterday afternoon, but I did make a $15 tip from a two top which put me at $49 for a single.  I did loan a busser $5 so I would have made $54. Not bad for it being slow. The double I did on Friday only made $82. I would have made more if I didn't have to get lunch and then tip. It would have been more like $92.

Alas, I should sign off the laptop so I can get ready for work. I still have to get ready and take my butt up there. It should be a good day. I'm hoping a few people will be at work to help make things more fun (if not funny) so the day should go smoothly. On top of that, I need to come up with a to-do list. I do know I need to get clear balls for my tongue ring and possibly my smiley. Eric hasn't said anything to me yet but I should get it just in case because I am not taking these out. Add laundry, dishes, cooking, couponing/shopping and ironing to that to-do list and I will have enough stuff to occupy me all week. I just have to get through my double at work first.

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