Monday, August 1, 2011

August brings a new sense of urgency

It is officially the first of August. This fills me with so much dread. LOL. Here is why.

  1. It means that Christmas is almost here. It's about that time to start prepping for holiday shopping for everyone. By everyone I mean Daylan and Gabriel. Gabriel's birthday is two weeks before Christmas so not only do I have to buy for one thing, I have to buy for two big occasions and lump it all together. That is an expensive time of year for me. 
  2. It means that the hottest part of the year is about to occur. Let's not forget that it's been over 100° for as long as I can remember. At 9:30 last night, it was only a few degrees cooler than that. It's been scorching since April. August and September are known for being the tail end of the summer period, and Mother Nature wants to punish us for enjoying her so much and then kicking her to the curb. What a spiteful bitch!
  3. It means that I really have to get my butt in gear for this move. I will blog about that later. I have to blog about two very important things but I haven't had the motivation to address it. By the end of the month, I need a job and a place to live in Florida. I've been working so I haven't exactly had the time to do such things. I was also couponing and planning shopping trips last night so that time was spent doing something else. Hey, I scored pretty big last night so don't judge me.
  4. It means I have to do a ton of laundry and ironing. Pretty much anything cloth that we own needs to be washed and ironed so it can be packed. The last thing I need is to have to do laundry as I unpack stuff.

The only good thing to this is that I can quit my job soon :) It's been a headache this past few weeks. It's been slow. We haven't had our periods of busy hours like we were having. I realize that everyone has been gone during the summer. Look, I'm not making the money the kind of money as I made as a waitress in Florida. I could have got so many more things accomplished if that were the case. Since it's been slower, I've been complaining a lot more at work. I'm just ready to be out of that place. I'm ready to go somewhere else and make more money. Things can't get financially worse than Cheddars with the exception of unemployment.

Let's put it this way---If I was relying on Cheddars to really get me by, I'd need a second job and a roommate. That is how bad it is. A few of the waitresses are on food stamps to support themselves and their kids! No waitress should ever have to do that! It's a good thing Daylan doesn't need me to pay for much. I just pay for my shopping trips to Walgreens and CVS, gas for the car, sometimes food, and my car payments.

I really should get my butt in gear. There is so much that has to be done this month.

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