This job is bringing me nothing but unhappiness. For weeks I haven't lost my temper (which is a huge accomplishment for me) and I've gone in there with a positive attitude (which is hard to do with all the b.s. in this place), but I'm thinking I am just going to quit this job. It's not even worth clocking in.
I picked up a shift this morning and I was busy. Well, before I say I was busy let me say that the hostess that morning sucked. Just because I am in the building doesn't mean that I am on the clock or that I am supposed to be on the clock. She sat a guy in my section and I couldn't find the manager to clock me in early. The hostess moved him. I was standing in the bar, waiting till I could clock in and some woman came up to me and said that she was sitting in the glass room (the atrium). She said that the hostess moved her, and her group, twice and was in that section but no one had come to take her order. I was so fed up. James clocked me in so I had to wait on this table who was already pissed off because this was the third section she was sat in where she had no service because the hostess was just seating people in sections where the people WEREN'T EVEN IN THE GOD DAMNED BUILDING YET! Yeah, that four top left me $3.
My section was full for half of my shift, but no one tips there. I had a five top table that had a $60 tab. Nothing was wrong, nothing was late, they got their refills when needed but the person who was paying was the old man. I got $3. Other tables would pay and then sit and play catch up. I had a two top sit in my section for well over an hour and I got $1.50 from them. I clocked out from my morning shift with a whopping $16. Yeah. I got the cheapest thing on the menu but we still have to tip because a server is taking our drinks and food to us. With my discount and my tip, I was out $7.
It was a good thing I had a book with me. I had a four hour break and Daylan couldn't get me. He was at work and I couldn't get the car because I was working a double. So I ate and read my book for four hours. I talked to two servers as they made their way to me, but I could have been making money during that time.
My second shift was just as bad. I wasn't even sat half as much. I was getting better tips but I just wasn't getting sat. I only had one table at a time. It was ridiculous. The hostess started placing 25 random menus all over the atrium and two of my tables had nine menus on it. One table was about to leave so I thought that I would get to take part in this party. I figured that myself and someone else would split it in the middle because it was in OUR sections. Nope. I was cut and my section was given to another server, who still had two tables in his own section.
I walked out of my shift, on a double, with $26. In the three weeks I've been taking tables, I've made $730. That is horrible! When I was a waitress at O'Charley's, I could make $400 a week. I told Daylan several times that if I were living on my own, Cheddars wouldn't cover shit. It wouldn't even fucking cover my rent. I'd have to get another job to pay for gas, food, power, water, cell phone, car insurance, and other things. Hell I couldn't afford to even coupon.
I told Daylan that we need to go and get me some more applications. I don't even want to pick up shifts anymore because it just doesn't pay off. It's a good thing my paycheck these past three weeks was $206, and that is because I had some training hours on it. At this rate, I'll never get to Florida and that was the main reason I got this job. It wasn't the ONLY reason but it was a main reason. I need to get back to Florida for a year and then I'll move back to Texas and live with Daylan again. My moving to Florida has nothing to do with Daylan.
Who knows how long it will be till I get a job. It took me the entire ten months I was here till I found a job and I was hired on the spot. Now I know why. There is an insanely high turnover rate at this "$3.2 Million Dollar Restaurant". I call bullshit. "You'll make more than enough money". Bullshit! Both quotes were from the manager who interviewed me. It's been nothing but lies. I'm lucky if I made $25 on a day shift. I've very lucky if I made $50 on a night shift.
It seems that since I started this job, most of my blogs have been with how unhappy I have been with the money I should be making but obviously am not. Part of me wonders if it is me. Am I a bad server? But then I look at how many servers have quit since I've been here (8) and how many have put in their two week notice (2). That's a lot in three weeks. I go in with this huge smile and faith that people will surprise me but then I leave wanting to cry because people are so stingy. How can people be so stingy? I'm frugal, but if I can afford to eat out, I can afford to tip the waiter/waitress. $2.13 an hour doesn't cover a gallon of gas so what makes people think that a $1.50 tip is going to cover much?
So on my next day off (which is my only day off), I will have to fit in searching/filling out applications with grocery shopping, laundry, cooking and ironing. Who knows if any of them will call. Who knows when I'll get a job that will pay better. I'm wary of wanting to be a waitress after the experience I have here. Maybe if I get a job as a waitress again, I'll just get a second job where I get paid hourly. I mean hell, I spend enough time at Cheddars because I am trying to get more money so it won't be any different. I still won't be home any more.
No server should ever make this little. Maybe I will get lucky and make more money before Sunday because that would be the only way I'd change my mind. I have shift tomorrow night, a double Friday night (?), a double Saturday night and a double Sunday night. IF I make a decent amount of money, I'll consider staying. If not, then fuck it, I'm going application hunting again.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Inside their home
Do you ever wonder what it is like in other people's lives? It could be from a first person point of view or a third person point of view but do you ever wonder what their lives are REALLY like? People will always say their lives are great or their lives suck but do they really? If you could watch them do their daily routines and hear their thoughts, I wonder what you would find.
What is their work experience like? Do they get treated better or do they get the short end of the stick? How much do they really make and where does their money really go? I bet most people blow their money more than they say they do. You could watch them to see how they perform. Are they slackers, are they in the middle or are they the kind to go above and beyond?
More importantly, what is it like inside their homes? What are their relationships like? How do they interact with their kids and friends? What does their house look like when they aren't expecting company? Is this the kind of person who spends their waking hours (at home) glued to the tv or are they doing other things such as hobbies or chores. Is their home life as spectacular as they say it is? How much do they gossip to their friends and what are they saying about other people? How do they really feel about themselves and view themselves? Do they keep diaries? What would they write in it?
As you can see, I would be very interested. Maybe this is why certain reality tv shows, like Teen Mom 2, interest me. You see how they really act and what they really say. Some are made out to be fools while some are just rumored to be trouble when they really aren't. I don't like the drama with those shows, but that is partly because the shows edit things how they want it to appear on tv. Weeks are cut out. Watching someone for a week probably would be more boring than I would expect, but it still would give me the inside scoop as to what is going on. Are they exaggerators? Are they telling the truth?
Hmm if I had a tv crew following me around, they would be bored. LOL. I don't have a normal work schedule and I don't have enough hobbies outside the house to keep them filming me. It would be cool though. Until then, I'll just blog.
What is their work experience like? Do they get treated better or do they get the short end of the stick? How much do they really make and where does their money really go? I bet most people blow their money more than they say they do. You could watch them to see how they perform. Are they slackers, are they in the middle or are they the kind to go above and beyond?
More importantly, what is it like inside their homes? What are their relationships like? How do they interact with their kids and friends? What does their house look like when they aren't expecting company? Is this the kind of person who spends their waking hours (at home) glued to the tv or are they doing other things such as hobbies or chores. Is their home life as spectacular as they say it is? How much do they gossip to their friends and what are they saying about other people? How do they really feel about themselves and view themselves? Do they keep diaries? What would they write in it?
As you can see, I would be very interested. Maybe this is why certain reality tv shows, like Teen Mom 2, interest me. You see how they really act and what they really say. Some are made out to be fools while some are just rumored to be trouble when they really aren't. I don't like the drama with those shows, but that is partly because the shows edit things how they want it to appear on tv. Weeks are cut out. Watching someone for a week probably would be more boring than I would expect, but it still would give me the inside scoop as to what is going on. Are they exaggerators? Are they telling the truth?
Hmm if I had a tv crew following me around, they would be bored. LOL. I don't have a normal work schedule and I don't have enough hobbies outside the house to keep them filming me. It would be cool though. Until then, I'll just blog.
Never try this at home!
**Before you read this, I got this from a forward I found years ago. I posted it on myspace years ago. Once I stopped using myspace, I posted it on FB. I wasn't liking the "notes" on FB so now I am posting it here.**
My night began as any other normal weeknight.
Come home, fix dinner, play on the computer .
I then had the thought that would ring painfully in
my mind for the next few hours: "Maybe I should pull the waxing kit out of the medicine cabinet."
So I headed to the site of my demise: the bathroom. It was one of those "cold wax" kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you just rub the strips together in your hand, they get warm and you peel them apart and press them to your leg (or wherever else) and you pull the hair right off.
No muss, no fuss. How hard can it be? I mean, I'm not a genius, but I am
mechanically inclined enough to figure this out.
So I pull one of the thin strips out. Its two strips facing each other stuck together. Instead of rubbing them together, my genius kicks in, so I get out the hair dryer and heat it to 1000 degrees. ("Cold wax," yeah...right!) I lay the strip across my thigh, hold the skin around it tight, and pull.
It works! OK, so it wasn't the best feeling, but it wasn't too bad. I can do this! Hair removal no longer eludes me!
I am She-rah, fighter of all wayward body hair and maker of smooth skin extraordinaire...... YAY !
With my next wax strip I move north. After checking on the hubby , I sneak back into the bathroom, for the ultimate hair fighting championship. I drop my panties and place one foot on the toilet.
Using the same procedure, I apply the one strip across the right side of my bikini line, covering the right half of my *hoo-hoo* and stretching down to the inside of my butt cheek (Yes, it was a long strip) I inhale deeply and brace myself.......RRRIIIPPP!!!!
I'm blind!!!
Blinded from pain!!!!....OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Vision returning, I notice that I've only managed to pull off half the strip. CRAP!!! Another deep breath and RRIIIIIPP!! Everything is swirly and spotted. I think I may pass out...must stay conscious...Do I hear crashing drums???
Breathe, breathe...OK, back to normal. I want to see my trophy - a wax covered strip, the one that has caused me so much pain, with my hairy pelt sticking to it. I want to revel in the glory that is my triumph over body hair. I hold up the strip! There's no hair on it.Where is the hair??? WHERE IS THE WAX???
Slowly I ease my head down, foot still perched on the toilet. I see the hair. The hair that should be on the strip. I touch. I am touching wax. CRAP! I run my fingers over the most sensitive part of my body, which is now covered in cold wax and matted hair. Then I make the next BIG mistake.....remember my foot is still propped up on the toilet? I know I need to do something. So I put my foot down.
DANG!!!!!!!! I hear the slamming of a cell door.
*Hoo-Hoo*?? sealed shut! Butt?? Sealed shut!
I penguin walk around the bathroom trying to figure out what to do and think to myself "Please don't let me get the urge to poop. My head may pop off!"
What can I do to melt the wax? Hot water!! Hot water melts wax!!! I'll run the hottest water I can stand into the bathtub, get in, immerse the wax-covered bits and the wax should melt and I can gently wipe it off, right??? WRONG!!!!!!!
I get in the tub - the water is slightly hotter than that used to torture prisoners of war or sterilize surgical equipment - I sit.
Now, the only thing worse than having your nether regions glued together is having them glued together and then glued to the bottom of the scalding hot water.
Which, by the way, doesn't melt cold wax.
So, now I'm stuck to the bottom of the tub as though I had cement-epoxied myself to the porcelain!! God bless the man who had convinced me a few months ago to have a phone put in the bathroom!!!!!
I call my friend, thinking surely she has waxed before and has some secret of how to get me undone.
It's a very good conversation starter -"So, my butt and hoo-hoo are glued together to the bottom of the tub!"
There is a slight pause.
She doesn't know any secret tricks for removal but she does try to hide her laughter from me. She wants to know exactly where the wax is located, "Are we talking cheeks or hoo-hoo?" She's laughing out loud by now...I can hear her.
I give her the rundown and she suggests I call the number on the side of the box.
YEAH!!!!! Right!! I should be the joke of someone else's night.
While we go through various solutions, I resort to scraping the wax off with a razor. Nothing feels better then to have your girlie goodies covered in hot wax, glued shut, stuck to the tub in super hot water and then dry-shaving the sticky wax off!! By now the brain is not working, dignity has taken a major hike and I'm pretty sure I'm going to need Post-Traumatic Stress counseling for this
My friend is still talking with me when I finally see my saving grace....the lotion they give you to remove the excess wax.
What do I really have to lose at this point? I rub some on and OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
The scream probably woke the neighbors dogs, and scared the fuck out of my
friend. It's sooo painful, but I really don't care.
IT WORKS!! It works!!
I get a hearty congratulation from my friend and she hangs up.
I successfully remove the remainder of the wax and then notice to my grief and despair....THE HAIR IS STILL THERE.........ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!
So I recklessly shave it off. Heck, I'm numb by now. Nothing hurts.
I could have amputated my own leg at this point.
Next week I'm going to try hair color....
My night began as any other normal weeknight.
Come home, fix dinner, play on the computer .
I then had the thought that would ring painfully in
my mind for the next few hours: "Maybe I should pull the waxing kit out of the medicine cabinet."
So I headed to the site of my demise: the bathroom. It was one of those "cold wax" kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you just rub the strips together in your hand, they get warm and you peel them apart and press them to your leg (or wherever else) and you pull the hair right off.
No muss, no fuss. How hard can it be? I mean, I'm not a genius, but I am
mechanically inclined enough to figure this out.
So I pull one of the thin strips out. Its two strips facing each other stuck together. Instead of rubbing them together, my genius kicks in, so I get out the hair dryer and heat it to 1000 degrees. ("Cold wax," yeah...right!) I lay the strip across my thigh, hold the skin around it tight, and pull.
It works! OK, so it wasn't the best feeling, but it wasn't too bad. I can do this! Hair removal no longer eludes me!
I am She-rah, fighter of all wayward body hair and maker of smooth skin extraordinaire...... YAY !
With my next wax strip I move north. After checking on the hubby , I sneak back into the bathroom, for the ultimate hair fighting championship. I drop my panties and place one foot on the toilet.
Using the same procedure, I apply the one strip across the right side of my bikini line, covering the right half of my *hoo-hoo* and stretching down to the inside of my butt cheek (Yes, it was a long strip) I inhale deeply and brace myself.......RRRIIIPPP!!!!
I'm blind!!!
Blinded from pain!!!!....OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Vision returning, I notice that I've only managed to pull off half the strip. CRAP!!! Another deep breath and RRIIIIIPP!! Everything is swirly and spotted. I think I may pass out...must stay conscious...Do I hear crashing drums???
Breathe, breathe...OK, back to normal. I want to see my trophy - a wax covered strip, the one that has caused me so much pain, with my hairy pelt sticking to it. I want to revel in the glory that is my triumph over body hair. I hold up the strip! There's no hair on it.Where is the hair??? WHERE IS THE WAX???
Slowly I ease my head down, foot still perched on the toilet. I see the hair. The hair that should be on the strip. I touch. I am touching wax. CRAP! I run my fingers over the most sensitive part of my body, which is now covered in cold wax and matted hair. Then I make the next BIG mistake.....remember my foot is still propped up on the toilet? I know I need to do something. So I put my foot down.
DANG!!!!!!!! I hear the slamming of a cell door.
*Hoo-Hoo*?? sealed shut! Butt?? Sealed shut!
I penguin walk around the bathroom trying to figure out what to do and think to myself "Please don't let me get the urge to poop. My head may pop off!"
What can I do to melt the wax? Hot water!! Hot water melts wax!!! I'll run the hottest water I can stand into the bathtub, get in, immerse the wax-covered bits and the wax should melt and I can gently wipe it off, right??? WRONG!!!!!!!
I get in the tub - the water is slightly hotter than that used to torture prisoners of war or sterilize surgical equipment - I sit.
Now, the only thing worse than having your nether regions glued together is having them glued together and then glued to the bottom of the scalding hot water.
Which, by the way, doesn't melt cold wax.
So, now I'm stuck to the bottom of the tub as though I had cement-epoxied myself to the porcelain!! God bless the man who had convinced me a few months ago to have a phone put in the bathroom!!!!!
I call my friend, thinking surely she has waxed before and has some secret of how to get me undone.
It's a very good conversation starter -"So, my butt and hoo-hoo are glued together to the bottom of the tub!"
There is a slight pause.
She doesn't know any secret tricks for removal but she does try to hide her laughter from me. She wants to know exactly where the wax is located, "Are we talking cheeks or hoo-hoo?" She's laughing out loud by now...I can hear her.
I give her the rundown and she suggests I call the number on the side of the box.
YEAH!!!!! Right!! I should be the joke of someone else's night.
While we go through various solutions, I resort to scraping the wax off with a razor. Nothing feels better then to have your girlie goodies covered in hot wax, glued shut, stuck to the tub in super hot water and then dry-shaving the sticky wax off!! By now the brain is not working, dignity has taken a major hike and I'm pretty sure I'm going to need Post-Traumatic Stress counseling for this
My friend is still talking with me when I finally see my saving grace....the lotion they give you to remove the excess wax.
What do I really have to lose at this point? I rub some on and OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
The scream probably woke the neighbors dogs, and scared the fuck out of my
friend. It's sooo painful, but I really don't care.
IT WORKS!! It works!!
I get a hearty congratulation from my friend and she hangs up.
I successfully remove the remainder of the wax and then notice to my grief and despair....THE HAIR IS STILL THERE.........ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!
So I recklessly shave it off. Heck, I'm numb by now. Nothing hurts.
I could have amputated my own leg at this point.
Next week I'm going to try hair color....
A survey (which is a rare occurance)
Three Nicknames
- Cass
- Minnie
- Tits McGee
- Waitress/Carhop
- Toll Collector
- Cashier
- Germany
- Florida
- Texas
- Supernatural
- Grey's Anatomy
- Teen Mom 2
- Chicago
- Nashville
- San Antonio
- Salads
- Raw oysters
- Mango Habenero wings from Buffalo Wild Wings
- Twilight Saga
- Needful Things- Steven King
- The Secret- Rhonda Brynes
- I do not know
- Moving back to Florida for a little while :)
- Having a career
- Winning the lottery
- Three Things That Are ALWAYS by My Side
- Pens/Paper (for work)
- A cell phone (right now it's usually Daylan's)
- My camera
- Three of my favorite colors
- Maroon
- Black
- Dark green
- Snickers
- Milky Way
- 3 Muskateers Mint
- Boxes
- My cd book
- A carseat
- Went to work
- Cooked dinner
- Shopped at Walgreens
Monday, March 28, 2011
I want more time!
I really don't mind picking up shifts. Half the time it pays off and I make a decent amount of money but it does get me out of the house. I just wish I could have two days off. I haven't been able to cook since I started working and I haven't done a new makeup look either. Even couponing is difficult. How is it that even though I have a printer I am missing deals? Because I'm always at work. The dvr fills up. I can't watch my shows and let's not even mention being able to watch the movies I have on que on Netflix. It also takes forever for me to get ironing done. When I get home, I never want to iron because my feet and back hurt. Having some time for me again would be swell, but having more hours in the day would work as well. I wouldn't feel so bad about working so much.
Today was our day off so I spent the first half of it sitting in bed. I was scanning the Walgreen's website to see what was on sale this week and writing it all down. I wrote down what coupons I had, what would have register rewards and how much it would all cost. Daylan just didn't feel like going so it will be done later this week. The second half of the day was spent with my going to a lady's house for a Mary Kay "facial", doing laundry and grocery shopping. I was able to use more coupons, so I did save around $31 all together, but we still spent around $65. We just didn't buy any produce this week.
I told the Mary Kay lady, Molly, that I was familiar with the products because I already owned the starter kit. I also told her that I never bothered to sell any of it. I just used the products on myself. She already knows that I do makeup, so she just felt the need to push the makeup on me. I didn't appreciate it but I knew that she was just trying to earn money. The "facial" is just my putting the products on myself. It's been a while since I used so many things. It was a facial wash, the microderm abrasion, the replenishing liquid, a moisturizer, lip treatments, hand treatments etc. What I did buy was the foundation primer and eyeshadow primer. I've been meaning to buy some so this was as good of a time as any. We did find a foundation that matches my color, which is an improvement because two years ago their lightest shade was too dark, but I still have a whole bottle of Covergirl foundation as well as four foundation samples. I would rather use those first before I look at anything. Their mineral powder didn't really work on me. It looked natural but it looked too natural. If BareMinerals is like this, then I'll just stick to my foundation. All in all, I spent $28 plus tax on the two primers.
Maybe buying the primer will be the kick start I need to get my butt in gear and do some more makeup. I am going to continue to try to pick up two more shifts, but I'm hoping to pick up a shift for Thursday and Saturday. I work on both days, but they are single shifts. Daylan closes both nights, so I might as well work. We will see what I can get. There is always someone looking to give up a shift.
So off to sleep I go. It is 12:35am. It's not as late as I usually stay up, so taking those sleeping pills is doing it's job, but I don't want to be in bed by 9pm either. I do have to be at the restaurant really early because Daylan has a meeting. I want to still have time to eat something and get makeup on.
Today was our day off so I spent the first half of it sitting in bed. I was scanning the Walgreen's website to see what was on sale this week and writing it all down. I wrote down what coupons I had, what would have register rewards and how much it would all cost. Daylan just didn't feel like going so it will be done later this week. The second half of the day was spent with my going to a lady's house for a Mary Kay "facial", doing laundry and grocery shopping. I was able to use more coupons, so I did save around $31 all together, but we still spent around $65. We just didn't buy any produce this week.
I told the Mary Kay lady, Molly, that I was familiar with the products because I already owned the starter kit. I also told her that I never bothered to sell any of it. I just used the products on myself. She already knows that I do makeup, so she just felt the need to push the makeup on me. I didn't appreciate it but I knew that she was just trying to earn money. The "facial" is just my putting the products on myself. It's been a while since I used so many things. It was a facial wash, the microderm abrasion, the replenishing liquid, a moisturizer, lip treatments, hand treatments etc. What I did buy was the foundation primer and eyeshadow primer. I've been meaning to buy some so this was as good of a time as any. We did find a foundation that matches my color, which is an improvement because two years ago their lightest shade was too dark, but I still have a whole bottle of Covergirl foundation as well as four foundation samples. I would rather use those first before I look at anything. Their mineral powder didn't really work on me. It looked natural but it looked too natural. If BareMinerals is like this, then I'll just stick to my foundation. All in all, I spent $28 plus tax on the two primers.
Maybe buying the primer will be the kick start I need to get my butt in gear and do some more makeup. I am going to continue to try to pick up two more shifts, but I'm hoping to pick up a shift for Thursday and Saturday. I work on both days, but they are single shifts. Daylan closes both nights, so I might as well work. We will see what I can get. There is always someone looking to give up a shift.
So off to sleep I go. It is 12:35am. It's not as late as I usually stay up, so taking those sleeping pills is doing it's job, but I don't want to be in bed by 9pm either. I do have to be at the restaurant really early because Daylan has a meeting. I want to still have time to eat something and get makeup on.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Short and to the point
I miss being able to do things the way I did. I literally went from not working to always working. My makeup album is screaming at me because I am neglecting it. I'm sure my friends are saying the same. I just can't help it. I get one day off a week and I end up picking up shifts. It isn't worth it, but sometimes I come back with a good day. I'm not able to just relax. Eventually I can watch all the shows I have recorded on the dvr. Eventually I will get my house in order. Eventually I will do another makeup look. I'll get my coupon book in order (again). I will start working on dishes for my cooking album. You'd think I was working two jobs but it's just I end up working from 11 till 9 or 10pm. I'm sure if I was at a job at 8am then my other activities would catch up. This is something I will have to get use to because I will have to work two jobs for a little while when I get back to FL since we will have to have a wedding one of these days. On a bright side, I think I may finally be starting to lose weight with all the moving around I have to do at work and we are saving money on our groceries since I'm not able to cook as much.
I know this is short, but I really am tired. It's definitely my bedtime. I will probably blog again tomorrow (since it's my day off) after my Walgreens trip again.
I know this is short, but I really am tired. It's definitely my bedtime. I will probably blog again tomorrow (since it's my day off) after my Walgreens trip again.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
He got married
I found out yesterday that my first love got married yesterday. If I hadn't have had a mutual friend post on his wall, I would have found out today when he changed his relationship status. Before anyone had it set in their mind that I am either extremely happy or extremely sad about this, I want to clarify that I am right in the middle. My emotions are Switzerland right now.
Everything I feel, that is bad, wouldn't be felt if it weren't my fault. When I was 19, I admitted to him without any cohesion, that I cheated on him twice. Many of my friends said that I should have taken that to my grave, but it was something I felt he should know about. If I hadn't have cheated, or told him about it, we would have been married back in 2006. It was awkward for both of us when he came to visit and I was halfway through a pregnancy in 2005 but what could we do? A friendship was pretty strained around that point in time. We just hadn't really spoken in years so getting a conversation basics going was hard to do.
When I was younger, I liked the idea of knowing that my ex's weren't with anyone else after me even though I was moving on. I felt validated. I don't feel that way now. While it does hurt me on some level that Chris is married, I knew he was engaged since last March. It wasn't news to me. After all, I got engaged before him. I was dating Daylan before he was dating Elise. On some level, I am really happy for him. He hadn't dated anyone for years after me. He had some fling with a girl but it just wasn't worth his time. As far as I know, she is his first serious relationship since me, and I'm glad that he finally was able to find happiness in someone else the way he was able to find happiness in me. He spent a lot of time alone getting to know himself. Shoot, we broke up back in 2002?
Yes, I will admit that I still do miss him and I still do have some level of love for him, but he has changed a lot. He isn't the person I was with when I was 17-19years old. It was part of the reason why a conversation was so awkward and strained. We did meet after Daylan and I had just started dating almost three years ago. We met in McDonald's while Gabriel played in the playground and we went to the pet store. We also talked in the parking lot while Gabriel was napping in the car. It just validated that while we were able to actually talk that time, things were very different. I am in love with the memory of us from ten years ago but I'm not in love with him now. Chris Weimer ten years ago is different from the Chris Weimer of today and that isn't a bad thing. It's just that people change as times goes on. I will also admit that I still have an attraction to him when I see his pictures. What people need to realize is when you loved someone, you will always have a sort of attraction or love for them. Those emotions don't go away, they just change. I still have love for Tom, I just wouldn't ever be with him again. I tried that route with him several times.
I really do hope he has a great life with Elise. Obviously he wouldn't have married her if he didn't love her and see a future with her. He also wouldn't have married her if his family didn't approve of her. Who knows, maybe years down the road we can be friends again. We will both be married and happy. Maybe he will have a baby by then and I will (again) as well. Friends can be friends if there are commonalities in their lives, but I'm not going to push it. You never know.
So a part of me is sad but part of me is really happy about the whole thing. I don't ever wish unhappiness to someone. Usually if I am sad about something, it is because I am playing the "What If" game or I am remembering how things were. Who knows, Chris and I could have got married and ended up divorced just like Tom and I did. Or if Tom and I really continued our marriage again, who is to say we would be happy? I can't just assume my life would be perfect. Something would have happened and I probably would be with Daylan anyway. He is where my life should be right now, and trust me that isn't a bad thing.
Congratulations to Chris Weimer and his new wife Elise Thomasson. It's now time for me to get dressed for work :)
Everything I feel, that is bad, wouldn't be felt if it weren't my fault. When I was 19, I admitted to him without any cohesion, that I cheated on him twice. Many of my friends said that I should have taken that to my grave, but it was something I felt he should know about. If I hadn't have cheated, or told him about it, we would have been married back in 2006. It was awkward for both of us when he came to visit and I was halfway through a pregnancy in 2005 but what could we do? A friendship was pretty strained around that point in time. We just hadn't really spoken in years so getting a conversation basics going was hard to do.
When I was younger, I liked the idea of knowing that my ex's weren't with anyone else after me even though I was moving on. I felt validated. I don't feel that way now. While it does hurt me on some level that Chris is married, I knew he was engaged since last March. It wasn't news to me. After all, I got engaged before him. I was dating Daylan before he was dating Elise. On some level, I am really happy for him. He hadn't dated anyone for years after me. He had some fling with a girl but it just wasn't worth his time. As far as I know, she is his first serious relationship since me, and I'm glad that he finally was able to find happiness in someone else the way he was able to find happiness in me. He spent a lot of time alone getting to know himself. Shoot, we broke up back in 2002?
Yes, I will admit that I still do miss him and I still do have some level of love for him, but he has changed a lot. He isn't the person I was with when I was 17-19years old. It was part of the reason why a conversation was so awkward and strained. We did meet after Daylan and I had just started dating almost three years ago. We met in McDonald's while Gabriel played in the playground and we went to the pet store. We also talked in the parking lot while Gabriel was napping in the car. It just validated that while we were able to actually talk that time, things were very different. I am in love with the memory of us from ten years ago but I'm not in love with him now. Chris Weimer ten years ago is different from the Chris Weimer of today and that isn't a bad thing. It's just that people change as times goes on. I will also admit that I still have an attraction to him when I see his pictures. What people need to realize is when you loved someone, you will always have a sort of attraction or love for them. Those emotions don't go away, they just change. I still have love for Tom, I just wouldn't ever be with him again. I tried that route with him several times.
I really do hope he has a great life with Elise. Obviously he wouldn't have married her if he didn't love her and see a future with her. He also wouldn't have married her if his family didn't approve of her. Who knows, maybe years down the road we can be friends again. We will both be married and happy. Maybe he will have a baby by then and I will (again) as well. Friends can be friends if there are commonalities in their lives, but I'm not going to push it. You never know.
So a part of me is sad but part of me is really happy about the whole thing. I don't ever wish unhappiness to someone. Usually if I am sad about something, it is because I am playing the "What If" game or I am remembering how things were. Who knows, Chris and I could have got married and ended up divorced just like Tom and I did. Or if Tom and I really continued our marriage again, who is to say we would be happy? I can't just assume my life would be perfect. Something would have happened and I probably would be with Daylan anyway. He is where my life should be right now, and trust me that isn't a bad thing.
Congratulations to Chris Weimer and his new wife Elise Thomasson. It's now time for me to get dressed for work :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Laughter is the best medicine.
It doesn't matter if you are healthy or happy. It doesn't matter if you are sick or depressed. Laughing is the best thing. It is the reason why I own so many stand up comedies on dvd. Nothing is better than watching your favorite comedian on tv with people you love.
I decided to frequent and and decided to post my favorites again as I did previously. When you find something good, you have to share it. The last four or five are the best of this particular bunch :)
Even if you didn't find every single one of these funny, you had to have had some gut busting laughter on your end of the screen. Man, people with touch screen keyboards should know this is going to happen, but it is completely in my benefit :)
I decided to frequent and and decided to post my favorites again as I did previously. When you find something good, you have to share it. The last four or five are the best of this particular bunch :)
Nooooo of course not Mom. They think about other things such as....studying?? |
Because a hug has an emoticon? I thought it was only facial expressions...LOL |
Hey, I wasn't the one who said it. |
Don't quit your day job, Mom. You may cause the economy to crash again. |
It should be illegal for certain people to cook. |
Well, Disney sure is stepping their game up from hiding hidden sexual pictures in movies. Now they are just becoming more obvious. It's safe to say they don't care anymore. |
Go Mom |
Words can't describe the feeling this person felt as their eyes bled from reading that text. |
Hey, this is from the expert! |
Once again, an expert. Hey hey! |
Gotta love a supportive Mom...but apparently she believed her child was gay...what does that say about her child? LOL |
Yeah because halitosis is a commonly used word. |
Don't forget to wash those Jews by hand. Some of those set in stains are hard to get out. |
Should we be worried about the father/son dynamic here? |
Ooooh burn! |
Magic penis pills is more like it. |
I couldn't help but shake my head. Everyone knows the ending...even if they didn't read the books. |
Daaaaamn, I would have let them panic for a while. |
That is awesome :) |
What's the saying? Once you go black.... Well, I like my men how I like my coffee...strong and hard. Wait! |
Epic win. Fail for the gerbil. |
And I thought I was the only one who was fluent on this lost language. |
The original sounded more fun |
Que the music! Eye of the tiger it's the king of the fight! |
Hubba hubba |
If the cookies taste powdery... |
Someone is in trouble.... |
Winning! I'm glad someone said something! |
Oooooh... |
The best for last! :) |
Even if you didn't find every single one of these funny, you had to have had some gut busting laughter on your end of the screen. Man, people with touch screen keyboards should know this is going to happen, but it is completely in my benefit :)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Printer joys!
I really am so happy that Daylan bought a new printer. I had been thinking about getting the kodak printers since they always advertise the lowest cost for printer ink, so I finally got him to cave. We bought the Kodak ESP7250. There was another printer on sale for $40 less, but the ink was higher. The ink for the printer we bought was $30 for both color and black and white. The printer itself was at Best Buy for $130. Yes, the other printer was cheaper, but in the long run we will be saving more money the route we went.
Since I can print coupons from home now, I don't have to worry about much. I'd have to email Daylan links and hope that the campaign didn't expire or that it didn't reach it's print limit. I can print them as I see them, which is so great. We are even shopping at Walgreens for everything non-grocery so I can use all my other coupons. It's so awesome!
Here are some pictures with just basics. I don't know where all the receipts are, so this is just based on memory.
Ducolax was $6.99 and I had two $4 off coupons, the crest white strips were $53.99 and I had a $10 store coupon and a $10 manufacturer coupon, the bars of soap were on clearance for $.50 each, the hair color was $2.99 each with store coupons, the Mr. Clean Scrubber was $2.39ish with a $.75 coupon, the soap was $5.99, pens were a dollar. I don't now about the toothpaste or toiler scrubber. Daylan grabbed those. I do know I pretty much paid for the rembrant and the white strips, the rest was free with coupons and register reward coupons from a previous visit.
This was my trip to Walgreens today. I had rain checks from the past few weeks and was finally able to get them. The cereal was on sale for $1.99 (when I got the rain check), and I had a coupon $1.50 off two boxes. The fabric softener was on sale for $2.99 and I had two $1 off coupons. The vitamins were BOGO but I had a problem here. They were $6.99 but the lady didn't write that down. Instead I paid $10.99 but it was a bogo item. I also had two $1 off coupons. The energy shots were 2 for $5. We also got a free $10 gift card because we signed up to have the local paper delivered to the house. Wednesdays and Sundays are the coupon days and the rest of the week would be sent to us. It costs $12 a month for a paper delivered everyday. With the $10 gift card, the coupons and the register reward coupons, we paid $10.50 and saved something like $33.
This wasn't as good of a week at Albertson's. The only coupon I could use was a $2 off coupon on Silk milk, so the milk was $1. The fruits were bogo. We still saved about $28 but we still spent about $60ish? We usually save more on the meat but we haven't been buying meat lately. What can I say? It's expensive to get fresh stuff. I don't want to get canned anything or processed anything.
Four movies from a pawn shop for $10. You can't beat that. Coupons are saving us money, and Daylan recognizes it. He seems to be proud of the stuff I do. He brags to people about the wild makeup I do and he brags about the money we save with my coupons. It's pretty cool. It would hurt if he didn't appreciate the hobbies I have.
Anyone who hasn't got into couponing really should. Yes you may have to buy stuff you don't need yet, but you will eventually use it. Just don't buy stuff you know you won't ever use. Everything I bought are things I know I will use. It just depends on everyone's needs. My friend Jennifer Porter saves a lot on diapers from shopping online, using codes and coupons. I don't need diapers so I don't have that in my collection of coupons. I am also still learning how things work. Walgreens seems to be a safe bet because you can use both store coupons as well as manufacturer coupons. I also check out the weekly circular online and write everything down. The item, the price, the coupons I have and what has register rewards. I never did that before. By no means am I saving 95% of my receipts, but I am certainly getting there. I could save more if I bought more in bulk, but I don't have the space for it.
Anyway, I need to go to sleep.
Since I can print coupons from home now, I don't have to worry about much. I'd have to email Daylan links and hope that the campaign didn't expire or that it didn't reach it's print limit. I can print them as I see them, which is so great. We are even shopping at Walgreens for everything non-grocery so I can use all my other coupons. It's so awesome!
Here are some pictures with just basics. I don't know where all the receipts are, so this is just based on memory.
This was my trip to Walgreens today. I had rain checks from the past few weeks and was finally able to get them. The cereal was on sale for $1.99 (when I got the rain check), and I had a coupon $1.50 off two boxes. The fabric softener was on sale for $2.99 and I had two $1 off coupons. The vitamins were BOGO but I had a problem here. They were $6.99 but the lady didn't write that down. Instead I paid $10.99 but it was a bogo item. I also had two $1 off coupons. The energy shots were 2 for $5. We also got a free $10 gift card because we signed up to have the local paper delivered to the house. Wednesdays and Sundays are the coupon days and the rest of the week would be sent to us. It costs $12 a month for a paper delivered everyday. With the $10 gift card, the coupons and the register reward coupons, we paid $10.50 and saved something like $33.
This wasn't as good of a week at Albertson's. The only coupon I could use was a $2 off coupon on Silk milk, so the milk was $1. The fruits were bogo. We still saved about $28 but we still spent about $60ish? We usually save more on the meat but we haven't been buying meat lately. What can I say? It's expensive to get fresh stuff. I don't want to get canned anything or processed anything.
Four movies from a pawn shop for $10. You can't beat that. Coupons are saving us money, and Daylan recognizes it. He seems to be proud of the stuff I do. He brags to people about the wild makeup I do and he brags about the money we save with my coupons. It's pretty cool. It would hurt if he didn't appreciate the hobbies I have.
Anyone who hasn't got into couponing really should. Yes you may have to buy stuff you don't need yet, but you will eventually use it. Just don't buy stuff you know you won't ever use. Everything I bought are things I know I will use. It just depends on everyone's needs. My friend Jennifer Porter saves a lot on diapers from shopping online, using codes and coupons. I don't need diapers so I don't have that in my collection of coupons. I am also still learning how things work. Walgreens seems to be a safe bet because you can use both store coupons as well as manufacturer coupons. I also check out the weekly circular online and write everything down. The item, the price, the coupons I have and what has register rewards. I never did that before. By no means am I saving 95% of my receipts, but I am certainly getting there. I could save more if I bought more in bulk, but I don't have the space for it.
Anyway, I need to go to sleep.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Finally, a good pay out :)
I am finally off! Tomorrow is a full day without the restaurant. I can sleep. I can take it easy. I don't have to worry about anything. This is such exciting news for me. It's been a very trying week for me, especially over the weekend. Nothing but work work work. I did two doubles back to back and then a shift this morning.
I suppose it can't be all bad. I made a little over $400 in a week and a half. I really should have been making more. I know I could make more if the hostesses were seating me the way they should and following a rotation. Of course they don't or I wouldn't be empty for half of my shift and then double sat (and triple sat on one occasion) towards the end. It screws me up. I go through all the tables and write down what everyone needs (more ranch, refills, to-go boxes etc), but then I get yelled at about not enough people running food or there not being any cups or ice. It's difficult to be on top of all of that because you have to stop doing two things in order to do one thing. It's a very tiring process. I literally feel like I am the walking dead towards the end of the night when I am doing my side work and closing duties.
What makes it worse is I come home and I still want to be able to keep in touch with people but I get so tired when I am online. If I don't talk to people all weekend, I can go to bed at a decent time, considering what time I get off, but if I don't then I can't sleep till later. Let's just say I am the typing dead.
It didn't even feel worth it for a while. I was barely making $50 and I just chalked it up to the fact that I am still learning and still trying to get a system down but I also realize that it is cheap food. Two people can have drinks, one appetizer and two entrees and pay anywhere from $23-$28. If you pay 10%, that is $2.30-$2.80. That is horrible. Let's say the customer feels generous and tips 20%, which supposedly is the new 10%, then you will get $4.60-$5.60. If you can get $5 on a table, regardless on if it is two people or four people, then you are doing pretty good. That is very discouraging for us. It really makes us wish that the food was more expensive because we are getting cheated.
People who have never worked for a restaurant have no idea all that a waiter/waitress does to earn your $5. This is pretty much the whole thing from the time you sit to the time you leave. We come and introduce ourselves. We get your drink order and suggest an appetizer or an alcoholic beverage. We put your order in the computer and go to get your drinks. It gives you time to go and look through the menu. We come back with your drinks on the tray and take your main order. This is apparently when you think that the server is slacking. While you wait for your food, we have to run other people's food (not just our own), we have to keep the cups, ice, teas etc stocked. Cups and ice get used very quickly so keeping up on that is nearly impossible unless you only have a two table section. During this time we have to keep track of your drinks, as well as everyone else's so we can bring out the appropriate refills and take away whatever dishes you no longer want in front of you. Sometimes we bring our own food out, sometimes we don't but we still have to come back to the table(s) with food in our section to make sure it tastes ok, to make sure it was cooked right and to make sure nothing is missing. If something is missing, we have to go back into the kitchen and wait for whatever should have been on your plate, which means we have to run other people's food as well since we are back in the kitchen. This is when we bring out additional stuff that wasn't mentioned before. Extra sauce, more bread, a different drink or anything of that nature. We have to make sure each table gets the same attention so if you want something extra, we have to be sure the other tables don't want extra ranch or a small plate of lemons. We take away your plates, and other plates from other tables, away from your table to the dish pit while we continue to run food for other tables and keep up with what needs to be stocked. Salad mix has to be brought up or salad dressings have to be refilled. Bread has to be taken out of the oven. We then offer dessert in hopes that you would like something else because it is the polite thing to do. Our kitchen is open and we are offering you whatever we have to keep you happy. This is around the time we offer you to-go boxes or drinks. We finish pre-bussing the tables, which means we take away twice as many glasses of soda or tea as you had when you sat down. We figure out how many tickets are going to be printed as well as who is paying for what. By the time you pay, we have been yelled at by the manager to get our side work done faster and to get the food out faster because you can't be sitting at the table for 15 minutes without having your main dish in front of you. Between you, and our other two (sometimes three) other tables (which always depends on how many people are at those said tables) and the manager getting on our ass to keep the ice and cups filled, we are running ourselves ragged. You then sit at the table for 45 minutes on average, sometimes an hour, and all we get is $5. We have done everything, with the exception of cooking your food and washing your plate so that you can be lazy. We are lucky if we get $5 even with a four top table. That averages to $1.25 per person and they think that tipping on a percentage of the ticket is still appropriate. By the time I get home, after doing hours of this, I feel like dropping on the floor when I get in the door.
Lord. Falling on the floor would feel better than walking any further than I need to. I get home to a hurting back, sore feet and throbbing thighs. I have to take aspirin before and after my shifts (and sometimes in between) because it hurts to walk, bend over or do anything in between. It's hard to go to sleep because I always feel like a mixture of sore muscles and restless leg syndrome. Let's not forget how much my shoulders hurt from carrying the food to the tables.
Today was worth it (despite the hiccup I had with Ariel). I walked away with $69 and that is because I was getting $7-$10 tips. The tickets weren't really that high. In the twenties to forties. I just happened to have one big booth and two average booths which were by the kitchen. I also had really understanding tables. That is the highest amount I've made on one single shift. Even my double yesterday was about the same and I was upset about that. I kept wondering if there was something I was doing wrong. Today clearly was proof that what I am doing works, either that or people thought that because today was "God's Day" that they would go to hell if they didn't tip me. ::shrug::
Either way, today made up for the sore shoulder, achy feet and throbbing thighs.
I suppose it can't be all bad. I made a little over $400 in a week and a half. I really should have been making more. I know I could make more if the hostesses were seating me the way they should and following a rotation. Of course they don't or I wouldn't be empty for half of my shift and then double sat (and triple sat on one occasion) towards the end. It screws me up. I go through all the tables and write down what everyone needs (more ranch, refills, to-go boxes etc), but then I get yelled at about not enough people running food or there not being any cups or ice. It's difficult to be on top of all of that because you have to stop doing two things in order to do one thing. It's a very tiring process. I literally feel like I am the walking dead towards the end of the night when I am doing my side work and closing duties.
What makes it worse is I come home and I still want to be able to keep in touch with people but I get so tired when I am online. If I don't talk to people all weekend, I can go to bed at a decent time, considering what time I get off, but if I don't then I can't sleep till later. Let's just say I am the typing dead.
It didn't even feel worth it for a while. I was barely making $50 and I just chalked it up to the fact that I am still learning and still trying to get a system down but I also realize that it is cheap food. Two people can have drinks, one appetizer and two entrees and pay anywhere from $23-$28. If you pay 10%, that is $2.30-$2.80. That is horrible. Let's say the customer feels generous and tips 20%, which supposedly is the new 10%, then you will get $4.60-$5.60. If you can get $5 on a table, regardless on if it is two people or four people, then you are doing pretty good. That is very discouraging for us. It really makes us wish that the food was more expensive because we are getting cheated.
People who have never worked for a restaurant have no idea all that a waiter/waitress does to earn your $5. This is pretty much the whole thing from the time you sit to the time you leave. We come and introduce ourselves. We get your drink order and suggest an appetizer or an alcoholic beverage. We put your order in the computer and go to get your drinks. It gives you time to go and look through the menu. We come back with your drinks on the tray and take your main order. This is apparently when you think that the server is slacking. While you wait for your food, we have to run other people's food (not just our own), we have to keep the cups, ice, teas etc stocked. Cups and ice get used very quickly so keeping up on that is nearly impossible unless you only have a two table section. During this time we have to keep track of your drinks, as well as everyone else's so we can bring out the appropriate refills and take away whatever dishes you no longer want in front of you. Sometimes we bring our own food out, sometimes we don't but we still have to come back to the table(s) with food in our section to make sure it tastes ok, to make sure it was cooked right and to make sure nothing is missing. If something is missing, we have to go back into the kitchen and wait for whatever should have been on your plate, which means we have to run other people's food as well since we are back in the kitchen. This is when we bring out additional stuff that wasn't mentioned before. Extra sauce, more bread, a different drink or anything of that nature. We have to make sure each table gets the same attention so if you want something extra, we have to be sure the other tables don't want extra ranch or a small plate of lemons. We take away your plates, and other plates from other tables, away from your table to the dish pit while we continue to run food for other tables and keep up with what needs to be stocked. Salad mix has to be brought up or salad dressings have to be refilled. Bread has to be taken out of the oven. We then offer dessert in hopes that you would like something else because it is the polite thing to do. Our kitchen is open and we are offering you whatever we have to keep you happy. This is around the time we offer you to-go boxes or drinks. We finish pre-bussing the tables, which means we take away twice as many glasses of soda or tea as you had when you sat down. We figure out how many tickets are going to be printed as well as who is paying for what. By the time you pay, we have been yelled at by the manager to get our side work done faster and to get the food out faster because you can't be sitting at the table for 15 minutes without having your main dish in front of you. Between you, and our other two (sometimes three) other tables (which always depends on how many people are at those said tables) and the manager getting on our ass to keep the ice and cups filled, we are running ourselves ragged. You then sit at the table for 45 minutes on average, sometimes an hour, and all we get is $5. We have done everything, with the exception of cooking your food and washing your plate so that you can be lazy. We are lucky if we get $5 even with a four top table. That averages to $1.25 per person and they think that tipping on a percentage of the ticket is still appropriate. By the time I get home, after doing hours of this, I feel like dropping on the floor when I get in the door.
Lord. Falling on the floor would feel better than walking any further than I need to. I get home to a hurting back, sore feet and throbbing thighs. I have to take aspirin before and after my shifts (and sometimes in between) because it hurts to walk, bend over or do anything in between. It's hard to go to sleep because I always feel like a mixture of sore muscles and restless leg syndrome. Let's not forget how much my shoulders hurt from carrying the food to the tables.
Today was worth it (despite the hiccup I had with Ariel). I walked away with $69 and that is because I was getting $7-$10 tips. The tickets weren't really that high. In the twenties to forties. I just happened to have one big booth and two average booths which were by the kitchen. I also had really understanding tables. That is the highest amount I've made on one single shift. Even my double yesterday was about the same and I was upset about that. I kept wondering if there was something I was doing wrong. Today clearly was proof that what I am doing works, either that or people thought that because today was "God's Day" that they would go to hell if they didn't tip me. ::shrug::
Either way, today made up for the sore shoulder, achy feet and throbbing thighs.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Oh the things I notice.
Really I should have been posting on what happened when I asked Daylan about the text and the pictures, but all I want to do is talk about work before I pass out. This will be short and brief.
Being a waitress at Cheddars is ok. It isn't fantastic but it sure as hell could be a lot worse. I still leave a single shift with $50, give or take a few bucks and it's not horrible considering how cheap the food is. This is usually how my nights go. I'll have a three table section and it will be full early in the shift. Once they clear out, I won't get sat again for a while. So I go ahead and bus my tables. I tell the people at the hostess stand that everything in my section is available. Then I'll only get one table at a time. Blah. Towards the end of the night, when they have no more room, they double seat me. Ok, I hate that and normally I would be able to handle it but there is always one or two tables, at the same time, who are missing sides. The problem is that it takes me forever to get my sides. I believe the reason why is because someone else takes the sides that the cooks bring out for me. It's ridiculous. I end up getting screwed by the kitchen, the hostesses and sometimes the other servers. All that means is either I will get stiffed or I will get tipped poorly. Clearly people think it shouldn't bother me because I work for my health.
My goodness, people seem to hate working there. There are rarely people who are there and in a good mood, which makes it hard for me to be in a good mood, so I tend to keep to myself. Hopefully things change. I am just going to have to suck up to the people at the hostess stand (except the boy; he seats me when he should). I'm keeping my faith up because I know I can be a great waitress. I'm just waiting for things to go in my favor and I'm trying my best to get things how I want it.
Positive thinking all the way. Anyway, good night. I need to be up in seven hours to get ready for my first double. I'm hoping to walk away with $110. Keep your fingers crossed.
Being a waitress at Cheddars is ok. It isn't fantastic but it sure as hell could be a lot worse. I still leave a single shift with $50, give or take a few bucks and it's not horrible considering how cheap the food is. This is usually how my nights go. I'll have a three table section and it will be full early in the shift. Once they clear out, I won't get sat again for a while. So I go ahead and bus my tables. I tell the people at the hostess stand that everything in my section is available. Then I'll only get one table at a time. Blah. Towards the end of the night, when they have no more room, they double seat me. Ok, I hate that and normally I would be able to handle it but there is always one or two tables, at the same time, who are missing sides. The problem is that it takes me forever to get my sides. I believe the reason why is because someone else takes the sides that the cooks bring out for me. It's ridiculous. I end up getting screwed by the kitchen, the hostesses and sometimes the other servers. All that means is either I will get stiffed or I will get tipped poorly. Clearly people think it shouldn't bother me because I work for my health.
My goodness, people seem to hate working there. There are rarely people who are there and in a good mood, which makes it hard for me to be in a good mood, so I tend to keep to myself. Hopefully things change. I am just going to have to suck up to the people at the hostess stand (except the boy; he seats me when he should). I'm keeping my faith up because I know I can be a great waitress. I'm just waiting for things to go in my favor and I'm trying my best to get things how I want it.
Positive thinking all the way. Anyway, good night. I need to be up in seven hours to get ready for my first double. I'm hoping to walk away with $110. Keep your fingers crossed.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Before I start, let me say that the conversation with Crystal was completely deleted out of his phone, so obviously he is hiding something. Asshole.
Apparently I wasn't supposed to work this first shift, but since one of the managers wrote down that I was working a split shift today, the manager on duty said that it was ok for me to stay. She wanted every trainee to be fully trained (whatever that means) by this weekend. I suppose that means that they want me doing my own tables on Saturday, since I am continuing my training tomorrow.
They assign me to work with Chris, this young and highly energetic guy but I had a feeling that training with him wasn't going to be beneficial to me. He works too fast for me, as a trainee, so I had no idea what he was doing on the POS. Of course it didn't help that whenever I was putting orders in, people behind me are in such a damn hurry. I get that their tips depend on the speed of their service, but I'm not walking in knowing everything I need to know. I've never had the food before. I've never seen their POS system. What made it worse is while I am working on doing his refills and whatnot, he is taking orders. Today was supposed to be the day that I took the appetizer orders, so I am hoping I can do that tonight. The only thing I learned was that salads and pastas don't come with a side. Sandwiches don't automatically come with fries as a side, so you have to ask. I also learned that salads come with a croissant. That was only because he explained that to me beforehand. I have no idea which meals come with two sides. Oh, I forgot, the classics one is everything chicken related and the classics two is seafood, but I don't want to assume that everything I need are in those two buttons. I know that once I get the POS system down, I'll be fine but I need someone to sit down with me and do this.
In O'Charley's, we had a manager card so that we could practice. Trainees sat with a trainer in the bar and were explained how things went. You took notes. You asked questions. An hour later, then you were on the floor. You could practice with the manager's card as long as you needed. The trainer would sit and say "I want a sweet tea, spinach dip and I want a sirloin. Medium rare, no make it medium. Does it come with sides? Ok, I want mashed potatoes, no make it a baked potato. For dessert, I want cake." They usually let you do it for about half an hour just so you could get acclimated to where things were. It also taught you how to answer questions about the menus at the same time. They didn't just throw you on the floor to follow you. Of course my trainer at O'Charley's sucked. I also had lost my voice so I was trained weird anyway. I really hope that my training here improves because I can't be set loose on the floor not knowing anything about what gets sides, what sides there are and how to put them in the computer.
With that said, I am going to go through my paperwork. The floor plan on the paper isn't accurate so I have to just eyeball it, but I am hoping the paperwork I have to read through will explain what has sides, what has two sides etc. I'm also hoping that the trainer I will have this evening will take more time. My job last night was just to watch and observe. I'm almost hoping I get the same trainer tonight because he slowed things down a bit, but I have a feeling that I will have a different trainer every time.
For now, I will just enjoy a two hour break.
Apparently I wasn't supposed to work this first shift, but since one of the managers wrote down that I was working a split shift today, the manager on duty said that it was ok for me to stay. She wanted every trainee to be fully trained (whatever that means) by this weekend. I suppose that means that they want me doing my own tables on Saturday, since I am continuing my training tomorrow.
They assign me to work with Chris, this young and highly energetic guy but I had a feeling that training with him wasn't going to be beneficial to me. He works too fast for me, as a trainee, so I had no idea what he was doing on the POS. Of course it didn't help that whenever I was putting orders in, people behind me are in such a damn hurry. I get that their tips depend on the speed of their service, but I'm not walking in knowing everything I need to know. I've never had the food before. I've never seen their POS system. What made it worse is while I am working on doing his refills and whatnot, he is taking orders. Today was supposed to be the day that I took the appetizer orders, so I am hoping I can do that tonight. The only thing I learned was that salads and pastas don't come with a side. Sandwiches don't automatically come with fries as a side, so you have to ask. I also learned that salads come with a croissant. That was only because he explained that to me beforehand. I have no idea which meals come with two sides. Oh, I forgot, the classics one is everything chicken related and the classics two is seafood, but I don't want to assume that everything I need are in those two buttons. I know that once I get the POS system down, I'll be fine but I need someone to sit down with me and do this.
In O'Charley's, we had a manager card so that we could practice. Trainees sat with a trainer in the bar and were explained how things went. You took notes. You asked questions. An hour later, then you were on the floor. You could practice with the manager's card as long as you needed. The trainer would sit and say "I want a sweet tea, spinach dip and I want a sirloin. Medium rare, no make it medium. Does it come with sides? Ok, I want mashed potatoes, no make it a baked potato. For dessert, I want cake." They usually let you do it for about half an hour just so you could get acclimated to where things were. It also taught you how to answer questions about the menus at the same time. They didn't just throw you on the floor to follow you. Of course my trainer at O'Charley's sucked. I also had lost my voice so I was trained weird anyway. I really hope that my training here improves because I can't be set loose on the floor not knowing anything about what gets sides, what sides there are and how to put them in the computer.
With that said, I am going to go through my paperwork. The floor plan on the paper isn't accurate so I have to just eyeball it, but I am hoping the paperwork I have to read through will explain what has sides, what has two sides etc. I'm also hoping that the trainer I will have this evening will take more time. My job last night was just to watch and observe. I'm almost hoping I get the same trainer tonight because he slowed things down a bit, but I have a feeling that I will have a different trainer every time.
For now, I will just enjoy a two hour break.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
My first day as a working woman (again)
Today should have been a good day for me but it was just a day of different discoveries. I tried new things, I found things and tonight was a new experience. Sometimes new and different isn't always better.
It started out with wanting to do something new with my hair. Once the dishes were done, I did an at home mask that I found online. I cracked two eggs, beat it and then I mixed in some honey, EVOO and mayo. It was a weird greasy, sticky and creamy texture. I never thought those three adjectives could be used on one thing. Oh, the mayo made it smell horrible but I put it in my hair. EVOO, honey and mayo are supposed to have moisturizing qualities so I worked it in like I was applying hair color. I put my hair on top and then wrapped my head in saran wrap. I put a blow dryer to it for about five minutes and then left it in for about half an hour.
The results weren't how I was hoping it would be. It took some effort to get the mixture to wash out, but my hair seemed to feel dryer and sticker than normal so I applied conditioner to it. Even the Nexxus conditioner I used couldn't make my dry hair feel silky smooth. I then put some EVOO in a bottle and spritzed it in my hair when I got out of the shower. It didn't help either. It just made my hair flat and greasy. I got a bit frustrated but it was a good thing that I was just going to put it up in a ponytail later on that evening. Maybe I can try a different concoction with bananas and EVOO.
The next thing I tried was my new Oxy Clean products. The treatment made my skin feel dry, like I put acne cream all over my face. The moisturizer made my skin burn and itch. It wasn't good under my makeup. The foundation kept coming off in little balls. I blended it the best I could and tried to be really sparing with the powder. I know now to only use this on days where I don't have to go anywhere since I won't be wearing makeup over it.
Some time during this, Daylan got a text. He left his phone with me so I could call his dad for a ride in case Daylan couldn't so it's not like I stole the phone to snoop through it. It was from Crystal Benge but there weren't any previous messages, which seemed strange to me. I have no idea who she is. He's never talked about her. I've never even heard from her. All she asked was "You really like it?" So I asked "I really like what?" "My hair." While this could be completely innocent, I'm still wondering why there aren't previous comments. If they just started texting, then shouldn't there be a "Hi" text? Why was this deleted?
What makes it worse is I discover photos on his phone. They are models, but they are underwear models. What makes it worse is they are the same two women. Boob shots. Ass shots. Hip shots. Leg shots. One is even nude. One is a picture of a girl's ass inside sonic. I got so upset that I deleted every one of them. Over 40 pictures were deleted. His computer was worse. Over 200 pictures of boobs, butts, and tattooed vaginas. I deleted all of them. By this time I was furious and on the verge of crying, so I deleted all the porn too. I didn't talk to him much on the way to work and on the way back.
I haven't had this sneaking suspition for a few months but I had issues a while back. He would wake up early in the morning and watch porn thinking I was still asleep. A year ago he was texting various people.He slept with a friend, for the brief period we were broken up, and this was a friend who said she was rooting for us to get back together. I haven't talked to her since. Yes, we were broken up and he wasn't cheating, but it was a friend of OURS. He was texting another mutual friend of ours, but I had a talk with her about it. Her and I still talk because apparently it wasn't much to her, but I guess he just liked the attention. I caught one full 300 text message conversation, and it wasn't pretty. Yes he was in Texas and she was in Florida, but I caught him texting her the first morning I came here to visit him after he moved out here. I almost broke up with him then. I haven't been able to fully let go of that paranoia and this may be completely innocent, but he hasn't had a good record so far. My sex drive has gone down since I caught him watching porn every morning. I just don't have sex anymore but most of that is because I am disgusted with how he is letting himself go, because he was being pushy and because I don't feel good about how I feel. Well he can't watch porn in secret unless he downloads more.
That just didn't put me in a good mood. Hopefully the mysterious texts are nothing. I was trusting him again and I'd hate for my trust to be broke again because then I won't be sleeping right. I'll be paranoid every time he gets out of bed. I'll be wondering what window he is closing when he hears me walking towards him. I don't want to be going through that again.
Work was dumb. All I did is follow my trainer, Mark, around like a puppy. Most of it was a reminder course but I do need to actually look at the menu. I had never heard of the restaurant beforehand so the food is completely new. From what I saw, the food is very cheap which can be both a good and bad thing. It means that while more people will flock there because they can afford it, it also means that if people tip on a percentage of the total bill then I'll be screwed. It will all depend on how wonderful my service is. Tomorrow I'll be talking more since I will be in charge of taking the appetizer orders.
Tomorrow should be a better day. I will be working a double and since I'm assuming lunch time will be slower, I can actually train on the squirrel system and take a look at the appetizers. I do know that the chips/salsa and the spinach dip are what we promote because they are fast, but the senior citizens tend to order onion rings. Hey, it's a start. So I work from 11 till whenever and then I go back at 5:30. I don't know how I'm going to get home. I suppose I should bring a book. Daylan won't be able to pick me up after 7 and while I don't want his dad or step-mother to pick me up, it may be my only option, unless I just sit and wait for him, or I see if maybe I can get a ride from someone at work. This is why I didn't want Daylan to tell me to work whenever. Getting to and from work may be a problem but if I were to work around his schedule, I probably wouldn't get hired. It's so ridiculous. It's also too far for me to walk. It would take me over three hours just to walk home.
I will just have to cross that bridge when I get there. I just want to shake off all this bad juju and just sleep peacefully. I want tomorrow to be a bright, sunny day where I forget all of this nonsense and say "I won't be put in a bad mood."
It started out with wanting to do something new with my hair. Once the dishes were done, I did an at home mask that I found online. I cracked two eggs, beat it and then I mixed in some honey, EVOO and mayo. It was a weird greasy, sticky and creamy texture. I never thought those three adjectives could be used on one thing. Oh, the mayo made it smell horrible but I put it in my hair. EVOO, honey and mayo are supposed to have moisturizing qualities so I worked it in like I was applying hair color. I put my hair on top and then wrapped my head in saran wrap. I put a blow dryer to it for about five minutes and then left it in for about half an hour.
The results weren't how I was hoping it would be. It took some effort to get the mixture to wash out, but my hair seemed to feel dryer and sticker than normal so I applied conditioner to it. Even the Nexxus conditioner I used couldn't make my dry hair feel silky smooth. I then put some EVOO in a bottle and spritzed it in my hair when I got out of the shower. It didn't help either. It just made my hair flat and greasy. I got a bit frustrated but it was a good thing that I was just going to put it up in a ponytail later on that evening. Maybe I can try a different concoction with bananas and EVOO.
The next thing I tried was my new Oxy Clean products. The treatment made my skin feel dry, like I put acne cream all over my face. The moisturizer made my skin burn and itch. It wasn't good under my makeup. The foundation kept coming off in little balls. I blended it the best I could and tried to be really sparing with the powder. I know now to only use this on days where I don't have to go anywhere since I won't be wearing makeup over it.
Some time during this, Daylan got a text. He left his phone with me so I could call his dad for a ride in case Daylan couldn't so it's not like I stole the phone to snoop through it. It was from Crystal Benge but there weren't any previous messages, which seemed strange to me. I have no idea who she is. He's never talked about her. I've never even heard from her. All she asked was "You really like it?" So I asked "I really like what?" "My hair." While this could be completely innocent, I'm still wondering why there aren't previous comments. If they just started texting, then shouldn't there be a "Hi" text? Why was this deleted?
What makes it worse is I discover photos on his phone. They are models, but they are underwear models. What makes it worse is they are the same two women. Boob shots. Ass shots. Hip shots. Leg shots. One is even nude. One is a picture of a girl's ass inside sonic. I got so upset that I deleted every one of them. Over 40 pictures were deleted. His computer was worse. Over 200 pictures of boobs, butts, and tattooed vaginas. I deleted all of them. By this time I was furious and on the verge of crying, so I deleted all the porn too. I didn't talk to him much on the way to work and on the way back.
I haven't had this sneaking suspition for a few months but I had issues a while back. He would wake up early in the morning and watch porn thinking I was still asleep. A year ago he was texting various people.He slept with a friend, for the brief period we were broken up, and this was a friend who said she was rooting for us to get back together. I haven't talked to her since. Yes, we were broken up and he wasn't cheating, but it was a friend of OURS. He was texting another mutual friend of ours, but I had a talk with her about it. Her and I still talk because apparently it wasn't much to her, but I guess he just liked the attention. I caught one full 300 text message conversation, and it wasn't pretty. Yes he was in Texas and she was in Florida, but I caught him texting her the first morning I came here to visit him after he moved out here. I almost broke up with him then. I haven't been able to fully let go of that paranoia and this may be completely innocent, but he hasn't had a good record so far. My sex drive has gone down since I caught him watching porn every morning. I just don't have sex anymore but most of that is because I am disgusted with how he is letting himself go, because he was being pushy and because I don't feel good about how I feel. Well he can't watch porn in secret unless he downloads more.
That just didn't put me in a good mood. Hopefully the mysterious texts are nothing. I was trusting him again and I'd hate for my trust to be broke again because then I won't be sleeping right. I'll be paranoid every time he gets out of bed. I'll be wondering what window he is closing when he hears me walking towards him. I don't want to be going through that again.
Work was dumb. All I did is follow my trainer, Mark, around like a puppy. Most of it was a reminder course but I do need to actually look at the menu. I had never heard of the restaurant beforehand so the food is completely new. From what I saw, the food is very cheap which can be both a good and bad thing. It means that while more people will flock there because they can afford it, it also means that if people tip on a percentage of the total bill then I'll be screwed. It will all depend on how wonderful my service is. Tomorrow I'll be talking more since I will be in charge of taking the appetizer orders.
Tomorrow should be a better day. I will be working a double and since I'm assuming lunch time will be slower, I can actually train on the squirrel system and take a look at the appetizers. I do know that the chips/salsa and the spinach dip are what we promote because they are fast, but the senior citizens tend to order onion rings. Hey, it's a start. So I work from 11 till whenever and then I go back at 5:30. I don't know how I'm going to get home. I suppose I should bring a book. Daylan won't be able to pick me up after 7 and while I don't want his dad or step-mother to pick me up, it may be my only option, unless I just sit and wait for him, or I see if maybe I can get a ride from someone at work. This is why I didn't want Daylan to tell me to work whenever. Getting to and from work may be a problem but if I were to work around his schedule, I probably wouldn't get hired. It's so ridiculous. It's also too far for me to walk. It would take me over three hours just to walk home.
I will just have to cross that bridge when I get there. I just want to shake off all this bad juju and just sleep peacefully. I want tomorrow to be a bright, sunny day where I forget all of this nonsense and say "I won't be put in a bad mood."
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Kicking butt at Walgreens
I finally convinced Daylan to go to Walgreens for the non-grocery shopping, but it was also because I found some awesome deals when I looked online. It's difficult because he hates going to the store and he doesn't get that Albertson's and HEB don't double coupons. I finally explained to him that we can get stuff for a lot cheaper if we were to go to another store, like Walgreens where I know they have a better coupon policy due to the testimonies of others.
A word of advice, don't go shopping with someone who truly doesn't understand. Daylan is pretty temperate but he was doing everything in his power to annoy me to the point that I blew up on him. When I am going through a store, where I am not familiar with the layout, I didn't want him pinching me or bothering me. I'm searching for something and he is trying to down play it, which wasn't what I needed. I needed him to help me find what it was that I was looking for. He finally had enough and I told him to just wander around and I would find him when I was ready. It's a small store, it wasn't like I was going to lose him.
They didn't have two items that I was looking for. There was the Ester-C gummy vitamins that was a a BOGO deal for the 60-90 count container. I also had a $2.00 coupon which would have meant that I got vitamins for almost $5. They also had a Mr. Clean scrubbing pad that was on sale and I had a coupon. Because they didn't have the item, and we weren't sure when we would be back again, we were able to get a rain check on the two items. For those who don't know, a rain check is the store's promise that you can buy the item that they were out of for the price that was advertised. By the time they get another order in, the promotion may be gone and it isn't always fair for the costumer, so in order to keep their loyalty, the managers can issue a promise in paper saying that they will honor the promotion they had since their customer came in and that product wasn't on the shelves or in the back of the store.
It was the first time I saved more than I spent. I spent more than I was hoping, but it was because I got a Swiffer Wet Jet starter kit and I bought four packs of coca cola for more than I was wanting. Regardless, I spent $56.96 and saved $64.41. Trust me, I may not have a whole lot of flooring that is tile, but I get tired of scrubbing it with my hands and knees so this was something that was way overdue. On top of that, I got $21 register rewards. $7 is for whatever I want, and the other $15 are between more coca cola products and candy products, which was disappointing but I do drink cokes.
Here is the jist of what I spent. It's not exact because the receipt is somewhere in the house so I can't use it for reference. I also don't remember how much each coupon was or how much the tax was. I'll start with the two big items first.
One thing you have to remember is that you must go for the smallest item you can for the maximum savings. If you can get the right deals with the right coupons, you can get the smaller item for almost free, if not completely free. I think you can deal with a bunch of smaller items for free than to save the space and get the economy sizes.
When you are able to see the products, it makes it easier to realize exactly how much you save. So let's recap. Total spent: $56.96. Total Saved: $64.41. Register Rewards to use on the next shopping trip: $21. Yes, I could have gone without the coke and the swiffer, but whatever. Now that I know what to expect, I can do better. I can organize the coupons better and get more. I can make my trips better.
A word of advice, don't go shopping with someone who truly doesn't understand. Daylan is pretty temperate but he was doing everything in his power to annoy me to the point that I blew up on him. When I am going through a store, where I am not familiar with the layout, I didn't want him pinching me or bothering me. I'm searching for something and he is trying to down play it, which wasn't what I needed. I needed him to help me find what it was that I was looking for. He finally had enough and I told him to just wander around and I would find him when I was ready. It's a small store, it wasn't like I was going to lose him.
They didn't have two items that I was looking for. There was the Ester-C gummy vitamins that was a a BOGO deal for the 60-90 count container. I also had a $2.00 coupon which would have meant that I got vitamins for almost $5. They also had a Mr. Clean scrubbing pad that was on sale and I had a coupon. Because they didn't have the item, and we weren't sure when we would be back again, we were able to get a rain check on the two items. For those who don't know, a rain check is the store's promise that you can buy the item that they were out of for the price that was advertised. By the time they get another order in, the promotion may be gone and it isn't always fair for the costumer, so in order to keep their loyalty, the managers can issue a promise in paper saying that they will honor the promotion they had since their customer came in and that product wasn't on the shelves or in the back of the store.
It was the first time I saved more than I spent. I spent more than I was hoping, but it was because I got a Swiffer Wet Jet starter kit and I bought four packs of coca cola for more than I was wanting. Regardless, I spent $56.96 and saved $64.41. Trust me, I may not have a whole lot of flooring that is tile, but I get tired of scrubbing it with my hands and knees so this was something that was way overdue. On top of that, I got $21 register rewards. $7 is for whatever I want, and the other $15 are between more coca cola products and candy products, which was disappointing but I do drink cokes.
My Walgreens spoils. Not horrible for my first time, but I will do better next time. |
Sorry, I didn't feel like flipping the picture. |
Here is the jist of what I spent. It's not exact because the receipt is somewhere in the house so I can't use it for reference. I also don't remember how much each coupon was or how much the tax was. I'll start with the two big items first.
- The Swiffer Wet Jet was something I needed and kept wanting to buy for the past year. I had a coupon that said if I bought a starter kit, I could get refill pads for free up to a $7.99 value. I think it was actually a dollar less, but the Swiffer was on sale for $17 dollars and some change. Inside the Swiffer, I ended up getting even more coupons.
- The coca cola products weren't something I needed but here is the reason why I got it. I collect Coke Rewards points which could all add up. I can redeem them for other prizes. I get points from other friends as well. The weekly promotion said that if you spent $15 on coca cola products (or other products like Reeses), then you would get $15 Register Reward Points. Those are pretty much coupons you can use for whatever you want in the store. If you decide to buy beer, you can use your register reward points/coupons for it. The 12 pack cokes were 4 for $14 so I bought a 2 Liter bottle to equal the $15. Most of the rewards points went towards more coke or candy, which was unfortunate, but I can use half of them to buy more coke and get more points.
- The Oxy Clinical Care products were $8.99 each retail, but they were advertised as BOGO. I also had a coupon for $1.50 off. I've been ordering more free samples in hopes that I would get more, and get another manufacturers coupon, but it hasn't come in, so I just used the one I did because who knows when this promotion would happen again.
- The Nexxus products were buy one get one 50% off. I went with the two cheapest products they had, which were 1oz bottles. One shampoo and one conditioner. I also had a coupon for $3 off ANY Nexxus product, so I got one bottle free and half price on the other, so it was a little over $2 for salon quality products.
- The always pads were on sale for $2.99 and I had a coupon for $2.00 off, plus I got $2.00 register rewards.
- The tampons were $3.99 and I had a coupon for $1.00 off.
- The Raisin Bran was on sale for $1.99 per box and I had a coupon for $.75 off. The Special K wasn't originally part of that promotion, but because I had issues while I was in the store, the manager decided to give me those boxes as part of the deal. I also had a coupon for $1 off of 3 boxes. Now we have enough boxes of cereal to last us a month.
- The coffee creamer (which wasn't shown because it was in the fridge) was a BOGO deal for $2.64 a small bottle. I combined that with a coupon I got in the mail for a free bottle of creamer up to a certain value so both creamers were free.
- The Fabreeze air effect was on sale for $2.50 and I believe I had a coupon for $.75 off.
- The aleve was the only item I had double coupons on. The advertised price was $9.49 for 100 count bottle. I had a store coupon that I happened to find at the last minute for $3.00. I also had a printed manufacturer coupon for $2.00 that I used which made 100 pills for $5.49. It was almost half price with my coupons.
- I also bought a bottle of Melatonin, which is in a separate picture, but Daylan picked that out for me so I don't know how much it was. The Twizzlers was also something he got for me. Both were probably full price. The Melatonin is a natural sleep aid.
One thing you have to remember is that you must go for the smallest item you can for the maximum savings. If you can get the right deals with the right coupons, you can get the smaller item for almost free, if not completely free. I think you can deal with a bunch of smaller items for free than to save the space and get the economy sizes.
When you are able to see the products, it makes it easier to realize exactly how much you save. So let's recap. Total spent: $56.96. Total Saved: $64.41. Register Rewards to use on the next shopping trip: $21. Yes, I could have gone without the coke and the swiffer, but whatever. Now that I know what to expect, I can do better. I can organize the coupons better and get more. I can make my trips better.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
This is one of the few times when the freedom of speech is a BAD thing.
Somehow I bypassed everything that was going on in the news. I had heard about picketing but somehow I was oblivious to the rest of what was going on in the world. Not even the world but on our grounds. People who believe so much in their own beliefs that they are willing to spit on everyone in the process. They are willing to hurt others without any regard to how that makes them as human beings. They believe that they are truly superior to everyone else in the human race and don't deny it.
Yes. The Westboro Baptist Church. They are more like a selective cult. It seems as though the numbers in this church are 70-100 but that small number has managed to do nothing but cause tears and heartbreak to Topeka, KS and other areas. They are even near my son's aunt in Arizona. This whole "phenomenon" was created by Fred Phelps. The members are all from two families. No new members are brought in and they all marry amongst themselves. It's first public service was held on Sunday, November 27th 1955. They became famous when they were picketing at the funeral of Matthew Sheppard, the homosexual boy who was beaten, strung up on a fence and left to die all because of his sexual orientation. His death brought national attention to hate crimes. Their latest step in the spotlight was at the funerals of the victims of the Tuscon, Arizona shootings on where six people died, including a young child. They were protesting the funerals saying "God Sent The Shooter", "Thank God For Dead Soldiers" and other signs of that nature.
My question is, why were they picketing the funeral of a 9 year old girl? She wasn't even old enough to commit a sin. According to the bible, you are innocent in the eyes of God until the 10th birthday. After the day of your tenth year of birth, you have passed the age of innocent. This girl was still considered to be innocent, so why were they picketing her funeral as well? Clearly they have no moral or religious thoughts or they would have at least felt sad for the loss of a child rather than feel that we, as a society, were worshiping a dead soul. They will say that they are showing love to their fellow neighbors by warning them about the consequences of "unbridled sin". So "God Hates America", "Thank God For Dead Soldiers", "God Hates Jews", "You're Going To Hell", "They Are Not Heroes; Don't Worship The Dead", "God Hates Fags", "God Is Your Enemy", "Not Blessed, Just Cursed", "America Is Doomed", "Thank God For Maimed Soldiers" etc is them showing their love? People at funerals mourning the untimely loss of their loved ones aren't going to be more open to their own morality, or the morality of the Westboro followers. Ignorant assholes.
Go on Bing, Google or whatever search engine you have and look up "Westboro Sign Images". It's everywhere. Also, it brings an interesting question to mind; what happens with a member dies? Do they hold a funeral or do they act like nothing happened? Will they think that the death of the member was a "curse delivered by God"?
Members of this church try to protest six funerals a day. In fact, on the website, they have a picket schedule so you can see where they will be going next. I've been having problems logging onto that site (as well as others-,, etc), but it's been getting shut down a lot lately due to a computer hacking group, called Anonymous. These sites were brought down by Anonymous and I am having problems loading them now, so it may be safe to say that they are still down today (March 5th/6th).
From what I've been reading on the internet, nothing has been good. They stand against everything. They hate America because God hates America. They are against the military. They say that God is killing off our soldiers because we, as a country, are tolerate to homosexuality so death is the consequence. They hate Jews and any other race or religion that is not in their church and white. They are completely against the homosexual community and want them locked away with sodomy as their crime. They feel that they will burn in the depths of hell and that hell will overflow on to Earth. They picket the funerals for AIDS victims and military personnel because no one should worship the dead, especially sinners. They desecrate the American Flag. They teach their children how to hate, picket and protest. The protest against disaster victims and murder victims and say that when bad things happen it is a curse given to us by God. The followers of Westboro Baptist Church also said that the internet was created for the sole purpose of spreading the word. The rest of us have just used it to pollute the true and pure intentions.
One way of passing on this message to their children is to ruin the creative geniuses of artists by re-writing their songs to become "lullabies". These songs have young children preaching the hatred of Jews, how homosexual are faggots and how God hates America. Children shouldn't even say things like that let alone know what it means. "Hey evil reporate Jews. God hates you and you know it". Another is a recreation of "We are the World" by Michael Jackson which goes "God hates the world (you know he hates you) and all her people. You and everyone will face a fiery day...". How it is ok to teach such songs to children? And where do these kids go to school? It must be homeschooling because I doubt these kids are exposed to "evil" children.
If God hates America and they hate America, then they should all pack up and leave America. Go live in France, England, Iraq, Kenya or any other country that isn't so evil. Unfortunately, it won't happen. They don't have the money to move the entire extended family out. They also would never survive even if they did. They would be thrown in jail or killed for saying and doing what they do. They wouldn't have the same freedom of speech as they do here.
Those who know me have heard me say numerous times that I believe gay marriage should be allowed. Gay rights are human rights and marriage is a privileged; not a heterosexual right. The bible should be used to better yourself and not be used as a weapon to others. So in honor of all that, here are some pictures that I propose should be made into signs.
At least Michael Moore was able to put one to the Westboro cult with this funny video.
I just don't understand how this can go on. The Supreme Court seems to be on their side because of the freedom of speech, although they admit that Westboro doesn't leave enough open for a debate. There is nothing we can do. The more attention we bring to them, the harder they fight. The best thing to do would be to just ignore them. Unfortunately, as this blog shows, I am not strong enough to turn the other cheek.
Yes. The Westboro Baptist Church. They are more like a selective cult. It seems as though the numbers in this church are 70-100 but that small number has managed to do nothing but cause tears and heartbreak to Topeka, KS and other areas. They are even near my son's aunt in Arizona. This whole "phenomenon" was created by Fred Phelps. The members are all from two families. No new members are brought in and they all marry amongst themselves. It's first public service was held on Sunday, November 27th 1955. They became famous when they were picketing at the funeral of Matthew Sheppard, the homosexual boy who was beaten, strung up on a fence and left to die all because of his sexual orientation. His death brought national attention to hate crimes. Their latest step in the spotlight was at the funerals of the victims of the Tuscon, Arizona shootings on where six people died, including a young child. They were protesting the funerals saying "God Sent The Shooter", "Thank God For Dead Soldiers" and other signs of that nature.
My question is, why were they picketing the funeral of a 9 year old girl? She wasn't even old enough to commit a sin. According to the bible, you are innocent in the eyes of God until the 10th birthday. After the day of your tenth year of birth, you have passed the age of innocent. This girl was still considered to be innocent, so why were they picketing her funeral as well? Clearly they have no moral or religious thoughts or they would have at least felt sad for the loss of a child rather than feel that we, as a society, were worshiping a dead soul. They will say that they are showing love to their fellow neighbors by warning them about the consequences of "unbridled sin". So "God Hates America", "Thank God For Dead Soldiers", "God Hates Jews", "You're Going To Hell", "They Are Not Heroes; Don't Worship The Dead", "God Hates Fags", "God Is Your Enemy", "Not Blessed, Just Cursed", "America Is Doomed", "Thank God For Maimed Soldiers" etc is them showing their love? People at funerals mourning the untimely loss of their loved ones aren't going to be more open to their own morality, or the morality of the Westboro followers. Ignorant assholes.
Go on Bing, Google or whatever search engine you have and look up "Westboro Sign Images". It's everywhere. Also, it brings an interesting question to mind; what happens with a member dies? Do they hold a funeral or do they act like nothing happened? Will they think that the death of the member was a "curse delivered by God"?
Members of this church try to protest six funerals a day. In fact, on the website, they have a picket schedule so you can see where they will be going next. I've been having problems logging onto that site (as well as others-,, etc), but it's been getting shut down a lot lately due to a computer hacking group, called Anonymous. These sites were brought down by Anonymous and I am having problems loading them now, so it may be safe to say that they are still down today (March 5th/6th).
From what I've been reading on the internet, nothing has been good. They stand against everything. They hate America because God hates America. They are against the military. They say that God is killing off our soldiers because we, as a country, are tolerate to homosexuality so death is the consequence. They hate Jews and any other race or religion that is not in their church and white. They are completely against the homosexual community and want them locked away with sodomy as their crime. They feel that they will burn in the depths of hell and that hell will overflow on to Earth. They picket the funerals for AIDS victims and military personnel because no one should worship the dead, especially sinners. They desecrate the American Flag. They teach their children how to hate, picket and protest. The protest against disaster victims and murder victims and say that when bad things happen it is a curse given to us by God. The followers of Westboro Baptist Church also said that the internet was created for the sole purpose of spreading the word. The rest of us have just used it to pollute the true and pure intentions.
One way of passing on this message to their children is to ruin the creative geniuses of artists by re-writing their songs to become "lullabies". These songs have young children preaching the hatred of Jews, how homosexual are faggots and how God hates America. Children shouldn't even say things like that let alone know what it means. "Hey evil reporate Jews. God hates you and you know it". Another is a recreation of "We are the World" by Michael Jackson which goes "God hates the world (you know he hates you) and all her people. You and everyone will face a fiery day...". How it is ok to teach such songs to children? And where do these kids go to school? It must be homeschooling because I doubt these kids are exposed to "evil" children.
If God hates America and they hate America, then they should all pack up and leave America. Go live in France, England, Iraq, Kenya or any other country that isn't so evil. Unfortunately, it won't happen. They don't have the money to move the entire extended family out. They also would never survive even if they did. They would be thrown in jail or killed for saying and doing what they do. They wouldn't have the same freedom of speech as they do here.
Those who know me have heard me say numerous times that I believe gay marriage should be allowed. Gay rights are human rights and marriage is a privileged; not a heterosexual right. The bible should be used to better yourself and not be used as a weapon to others. So in honor of all that, here are some pictures that I propose should be made into signs.
The Gay Pride Flag. Let it fly high and proud. |
These are called Happy Roses. They are expensive to grow. Let gay pride bloom. |
Gay Pride in the head, minds and hearts of everyone. |
He has the right message! |
God can not stand behind those who have such hatred for everyone except for the 70 members of this church. |
Right? Man, sometimes I wish I was a gay man because some of the most beautiful men (both inside and out) are homosexual men. |
I should buy multiple shirts and wear it every damn day. |
At least Michael Moore was able to put one to the Westboro cult with this funny video.
I just don't understand how this can go on. The Supreme Court seems to be on their side because of the freedom of speech, although they admit that Westboro doesn't leave enough open for a debate. There is nothing we can do. The more attention we bring to them, the harder they fight. The best thing to do would be to just ignore them. Unfortunately, as this blog shows, I am not strong enough to turn the other cheek.
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