Friday, March 4, 2011

Think before you speak...

Social networking medias are simply making things seem so irrelevant lately. Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter constantly ask "What is on your mind?" and people will post the most ridiculous things. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's helpful, but I don't need to know that you are going to go to the bathroom and then take a shower. I don't need to know how many times you woke up last night. I don't even want to know about how sad you are that you are on your period. Most of the time, those thoughts can be kept to yourself.

What is worse are some of the comments people leave on people's status updates, links, blogs etc. I really don't care to know that you think homosexuals should not marry because it is a sin to be that way. I don't care that you think a particular artist is trash when the post is about how much the person likes the artist. I don't care that you think something is cruel when it doesn't do any harm at all. Don't make comments about pregnancy that are ignorant because there are people who will take offense and correct you. Don't make light on an illness because someone who has more knowledge and experience will tell you off.

People think they are so knowledgeable and educated on topics because they googled it. Not only does it piss me off, but it pisses my friends off. Don't say that your baby (since this is your first live pregnancy) is doing something that the rest of us know can't happen yet. I have people who have had more kids than you have ever been pregnant that will tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are wrong. Don't say anything that could remotely make you sound like you have no clue what you are talking about. I keep my mouth shut because I don't feel like continuing a debate, but I sure as hell am not going to keep comments like that on my page.

You don't know who you may offend when you open your mouth. Make sure what you have to say has validity. If you don't care who you offend, then the problem is you and not everyone else. Make sure your verbal filter is turned on and on high at all times.

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