Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Time to find a new job (again)

This job is bringing me nothing but unhappiness. For weeks I haven't lost my temper (which is a huge accomplishment for me) and I've gone in there with a positive attitude (which is hard to do with all the b.s. in this place), but I'm thinking I am just going to quit this job. It's not even worth clocking in.

I picked up a shift this morning and I was busy. Well, before I say I was busy let me say that the hostess that morning sucked. Just because I am in the building doesn't mean that I am on the clock or that I am supposed to be on the clock. She sat a guy in my section and I couldn't find the manager to clock me in early. The hostess moved him. I was standing in the bar, waiting till I could clock in and some woman came up to me and said that she was sitting in the glass room (the atrium). She said that the hostess moved her, and her group, twice and was in that section but no one had come to take her order. I was so fed up. James clocked me in so I had to wait on this table who was already pissed off because this was the third section she was sat in where she had no service because the hostess was just seating people in sections where the people WEREN'T EVEN IN THE GOD DAMNED BUILDING YET! Yeah, that four top left me $3.

My section was full for half of my shift, but no one tips there. I had a five top table that had a $60 tab. Nothing was wrong, nothing was late, they got their refills when needed but the person who was paying was the old man. I got $3. Other tables would pay and then sit and play catch up. I had a two top sit in my section for well over an hour and I got $1.50 from them. I clocked out from my morning shift with a whopping $16. Yeah. I got the cheapest thing on the menu but we still have to tip because a server is taking our drinks and food to us. With my discount and my tip, I was out $7.

It was a good thing I had a book with me. I had a four hour break and Daylan couldn't get me. He was at work and I couldn't get the car because I was working a double. So I ate and read my book for four hours. I talked to two servers as they made their way to me, but I could have been making money during that time.

My second shift was just as bad. I wasn't even sat half as much. I was getting better tips but I just wasn't getting sat. I only had one table at a time. It was ridiculous. The hostess started placing 25 random menus all over the atrium and two of my tables had nine menus on it. One table was about to leave so I thought that I would get to take part in this party. I figured that myself and someone else would split it in the middle because it was in OUR sections. Nope. I was cut and my section was given to another server, who still had two tables in his own section.

I walked out of my shift, on a double, with $26. In the three weeks I've been taking tables, I've made $730. That is horrible! When I was a waitress at O'Charley's, I could make $400 a week. I told Daylan several times that if I were living on my own, Cheddars wouldn't cover shit. It wouldn't even fucking cover my rent. I'd have to get another job to pay for gas, food, power, water, cell phone, car insurance, and other things. Hell I couldn't afford to even coupon.

I told Daylan that we need to go and get me some more applications. I don't even want to pick up shifts anymore because it just doesn't pay off. It's a good thing my paycheck these past three weeks was $206, and that is because I had some training hours on it. At this rate, I'll never get to Florida and that was the main reason I got this job. It wasn't the ONLY reason but it was a main reason. I need to get back to Florida for a year and then I'll move back to Texas and live with Daylan again. My moving to Florida has nothing to do with Daylan.

Who knows how long it will be till I get a job. It took me the entire ten months I was here till I found a job and I was hired on the spot. Now I know why. There is an insanely high turnover rate at this "$3.2 Million Dollar Restaurant". I call bullshit. "You'll make more than enough money". Bullshit! Both quotes were from the manager who interviewed me. It's been nothing but lies. I'm lucky if I made $25 on a day shift. I've very lucky if I made $50 on a night shift.

It seems that since I started this job, most of my blogs have been with how unhappy I have been with the money I should be making but obviously am not. Part of me wonders if it is me. Am I a bad server? But then I look at how many servers have quit since I've been here (8) and how many have put in their two week notice (2). That's a lot in three weeks. I go in with this huge smile and faith that people will surprise me but then I leave wanting to cry because people are so stingy. How can people be so stingy? I'm frugal, but if I can afford to eat out, I can afford to tip the waiter/waitress. $2.13 an hour doesn't cover a gallon of gas so what makes people think that a $1.50 tip is going to cover much?

So on my next day off (which is my only day off), I will have to fit in searching/filling out applications with grocery shopping, laundry, cooking and ironing. Who knows if any of them will call. Who knows when I'll get a job that will pay better. I'm wary of wanting to be a waitress after the experience I have here. Maybe if I get a job as a waitress again, I'll just get a second job where I get paid hourly. I mean hell, I spend enough time at Cheddars because I am trying to get more money so it won't be any different. I still won't be home any more.

No server should ever make this little. Maybe I will get lucky and make more money before Sunday because that would be the only way I'd change my mind. I have shift tomorrow night, a double Friday night (?), a double Saturday night and a double Sunday night. IF I make a decent amount of money, I'll consider staying. If not, then fuck it, I'm going application hunting again.

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