Daylan got fed up with my using his phone so we finally went to T-Mobile to add me to his plan. For months, before I stopped using my previous phone, we were going back and forth on who would be added to who's line. My service at Verizon was better, but my phone sucked and I had to pay more. His plan was cheaper but there wasn't a 4G tower by the lake so service was iffy. We finally both had enough and decided to go ahead and add me to his plan. We were originally just going to wait till both our contracts ended (at the same time) and do it then. It would have been around the same that we were hoping to get married so it seemed like the natural plan. Get married, share last names, share cell phone plans. We just rushed that plan instead.
So right now I have a Motorola Cliq 2.
Let's see how well I am going to like this phone. It is a smart phone and it is an android rather than a windows mobile phone. It's skinnier than my last phone because it's a regular battery (instead of an extended battery) but the guy said that won't freeze up on me. It has a 5MP camera so the camera won't suck like my last phone. I should also be able to look stuff up on the internet. My last phone would only let me do facebook. I have 14 days to play around with it and see if this is the phone for me. So far the buttons look cool, but feel weird but we will see. I only wanted three features on my phone, the rest wouldn't mean anything to me. I wanted an actual keyboard (check), a good camera (so far check) and I wanted a chat-style text like you get with yahoo messenger. So far this doesn't have that last feature (while my previous phone did). It's chat looks like the iPhone chat, which I find annoying, but maybe I can change that feature within the phone? I'll have to read the book and fiddle with it to see. I did change the text limit from 200 to 999 so maybe this will help. I hate deleting texts. I like to go back and re-read things, especially if I am proving a point. I typically tend to like everything and if I don't, I just settle. This is a $400 phone so it better be good. I'm just hoping I will use all the features. I didn't have a need for all the fancy crap on my last phone but it seems as though there are more things I could use on this, such as the sticky note feature, and whatnot. It doesn't seem like this is a business phone. Lets keep our fingers crossed with this phone.
Kaydee possibly staying with us for a week. Apparently her dad and step mom have been annoying her. Surprise surprise. I say this for two reasons: 1) Kaydee is quick to get upset and to yell about something 2) Kathy truly is annoying. I'm not saying either are horrible things, but I figured the two wouldn't mesh well if combined for too long. Kaydee is much, MUCH more tolerable when her husband is around. I never saw her this tolerable when she was dating Robert, another Sonic manager that Daylan was living with. Jon just brings out so many good qualities in her that for some reason she tries to hide from the general public. Kathy is way too peppy, way too gossipy, way too quick to judge and way too OCD. Kaydee has been upset because Kathy has taken it upon herself to parent a child that isn't hers how she sees fit by giving him a PB&J sandwich at 11pm, to a three year old, when the mother has literally been driving all day long. Not to mention that a three year old isn't going to be a compulsive neat freak. He is going to be a three year old with slightly messy hands. Let us not forget that the other child, who is 9 months old, is still teething. He hasn't got the rest of his teeth so he is in the stage where everything goes in his mouth. Kathy's grandson is the same age and she has had two kids of her own. Has she forgotten this? They've got into a few arguments already about stuff Kathy wants to not end up in Ayden's mouth, but Kaydee can't watch the child every second. And Caleb is a toddler. He isn't going to be watching where his hands go. He is a polite as can be, but he is still a child. More than likely, Kaydee and the boys will be staying with us for a week so that means I have to clear out Gabriel's bedroom. Caleb will sleep in the same bed, but I'm not positive where the bassinet will go. I believe it will all still fit, it's just that room is really small.
I would like to have this happen because Kaydee and I have had a rough past and I want to get along with her. She has been making efforts, because Daylan asked her to, and I'd really like the company in the house. I'm not in the house often, right now, but it still would be nice to be able to come home and have someone to talk to, especially when Daylan is glued to his XBOX. Besides, for a week, I wouldn't have to rely so heavily on Daylan taking me to work. He has to leave work a lot, or drop me off really early so that it can fit with both of our schedules. I'm sure we will both get annoyed with each other, but I wouldn't want to wish her staying with her dad and step-mom on anyone....considering I really dislike both of them (especially Daylan's dad).
"Being wealthy isn't about money; it's about having options. Try everything. If you don't like something, it's because you tried it. Not because you dismissed it."-Chris Rock. How amazing is this quote?
The paper we got on Sunday really wasn't worth much. I assumed more coupon inserts would be inside but there wasn't. I still cut a few out, but I definitely wouldn't have bought one from a stand if I had to. To top it off, Walgreen's doesn't have a good sale. That part is ok. My stock pile is to the point where I am ok with it. I don't really have a lot of room in this particular closet for it so really I only need a few items to even everything out. I need more body wash for me, more deodorant for me (Daylan is fine), more band-aides/neosporin and I need to get plug in air fresheners for the bathroom and kitchen. I'm still working on getting stuff for free. I'm still averaging at 50% off, 70% if I am lucky, but I am working on it. I would have a higher savings if my stores would let me triple coupons. Shoot, my grocery bill would be so much smaller if Albertson's let me double coupons! Walgreen's will let me double coupons, but it is rare that a store coupon comes to match items I have.
Before I end this blog, I will briefly mention my upcoming trip back home to Florida. Daylan and I will be home for two days on Memorial Day weekend. Daylan's step-dad is retiring from the Air Force and so we will be attending. We also really want to see people back at home. I'm homesick. I miss my friends and I really, really, really miss my son. Daylan can only get four days off from work, so two days are going to be spent driving and then we will only have two days there. Everything will be rushed but I am hoping to get everything accomplished. I want to see my friends in two groups. Group one will be the old Sonic crew (that we still talk to), which would include: Mikey, Dennis, Cory, Melissa and Kayla. Group two is the friends I've made in Florida since leaving that I'm surprised I never talked to before: Brandon, Azrael (Jennie), Candace and Star. I am also hoping to spend some quality time with Gabriel, but it seems that he will be out of town with her paternal grandparents to visit his great grandmother. Dammit all to hell! I am also hoping to get my license thing straightened out while still attending the retirement party, which is pretty much mandatory. I love Kenny, Daylan's step-dad, so I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Anyway, time to get ready for work. Another double! Last Tuesday, I made $134 so let's hope this day is just as good, especially considering that my doubles over the weekend were NOT as fruitful as it should have been considering I was running my ass off all weekend. Ah, at least I had a day off yesterday and another one tomorow.
LOL!!! "any man that isn't willing to cuddle from time to time after getting some nooky needs his balls kicked back in his gut"
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