Saturday, May 7, 2011

No amount of coffee could make me feel better when being woke up in this manner.

When I was 21 years old, I use to answer texts from people who would wake me up at 2am. I use to be able to sleep for four hours, after drinking, and still be cool to go to work the next day. Shoot, I even didn't mind people coming in and out of wherever I was living at all hours of the night as long as they weren't being loud. Man how things change.

It seems as though no one allows me to sleep here. If it isn't Daylan constantly waking me up, it is someone who feels the need to bother him in the middle of the night, which turns out to bother me more than it does him. Daylan will wake me up at 4am wanting sex and I slap him away because I don't want to be woke up. It always takes me a long time to fall back asleep. If it isn't sex, then he wakes me up by rubbing my hip or my leg. It wouldn't bother me as much but the constant movement keeps me awake. When he stops, I start to doze off but then he starts up again which wakes me up again. I finally have to literally throw his hand off my body so I can go back to sleep. It never fails that I am tossing and turning afterwards because I can't sleep again. I usually go in the living room and see if I can fall asleep watching tv on the couch.

This is the other scenario. Daylan will be playing on his game console. If he is playing campaign, on his own, he is silent. I won't hear a thing. If he is playing Black Ops online, then I hear him cussing from the living room. We only have one door inside this house and that is to the bathroom so sound travels quite easily in this small house. He says words and phrases that I do not wish to repeat because it is that disgusting. He forgets that his voice travels so even talking normally, or laughing, will keep me from falling asleep. This usually happens till 2 or 3am.

On rare occasions, his phone will blow up. This was the case last night, and it almost resulted in his phone being on the bottom of the lake behind my house. One of his friends finally finished training as a manager (the same friend who plays games with him online almost every night. Marcus is Daylan's secret boyfriend; neither will admit it) and was on his first solo closing shift. He called at midnight, 12:30 am and then at 12:45 am. Each call woke me up. Finally Daylan got up to go to the store. Either he left at 1am or he left at 1:30 am but he wasn't polite enough to close the door silently so I woke up. Around 3am he started getting text messages from another manager. I got up and grabbed the phone. I walked my not-so-happy-ass to the back and proceeded to unlock the door. He grabbed my wrist before I could walk outside to chuck his phone into the lake. I told him if this shit ever happened again that his phone wouldn't be so lucky. He does still have a spare phone. He would just need a new sim card and would have to get all his phone numbers back again.

Yeah the drive to take me to work this morning was not a happy drive for him....or his phone.

How is it that Daylan fails to realize that all this really bothers me? He may work more hours than me, on the clock, but I spend more time in the restaurant than he does. He really only works 5-10 hours more than me a week (10 hours if he is really lucky), but I spend about 10-15 more hours at the restaurant than he does. I'm inside that place close to 60 hours a week between breaks, getting there early due to his meetings or waiting for rides home. I don't exactly get a whole lot of time to sleep because it takes me so long to wind down when I get home.

So why does he think that I want to be woke up, or not be able to sleep at all because of his gaming habits, whenever he feels the need to get frisky or when he starts getting calls from work? He needs to just start turning his phone off at night.


  1. The only answer I can come up with, after reading your blogs, is that he just does not seem to care. Sorry.

  2. You know, sometimes I wonder the same thing but I know it's not true. He's always trying to kiss me and tell me he loves me. He just does really stupid or annoying things that irritate me a lot.
