Sunday, January 30, 2011

The joys of a clean home.

It's amazing how I try to find images of a maid or cleaning women and all I get are slutty pictures online. I didn't get links to a porn site, just random photos. Girls pretending to clean wearing their Halloween costume or things of that nature. Don't people have more class? Anyone can get a hold of their photo now. It's now in cyber space.

I was able to get quite a bit done today. Daylan helped but his help wasn't immensely helpful. He did clean the bathroom (although I haven't inspected it yet) and he did pick up the living room, but when I asked him to vacuum the house (after he broke glass in our bedroom which needed to be vacuumed anyway) he only vacuumed half the bedroom. When I asked him to vacuum more, and did say the rest of the house, he half-assed the other half of the bedroom. I got fed up and just vacuumed it myself.

I kept thinking about how I am becoming more like my mom. It may take me a while to clean, but I think I clean pretty effectively. Daylan half-assing it only pisses me off to the point where I just go behind him and do it my way. I just don't want him to think he gets off scott free, which is why I insist he helps me. I refuse to be the woman who does it all. He has become accustomed to my bringing his dinner plate to him, but that is as far as I am going to go.

It's amazing how a clean house can make me relax a little bit more. Too bad I'm just too lazy to keep up with it, but I do get irritated very quickly about how fast the house gets turned upside down. It's easier to just put my mind at rest. It's still running in ten directions but at least I can look at my house and take deeper breathes, figuratively. Maybe I will stop sneezing in our bedroom all the time. It's only when I am sitting up in bed. It is getting quite annoying. Taking a break from that would be nice. I'm sure if we had company over more often, I'd clean the house more often. It is embarrassing to have friends come over to a messy home, but it just doesn't happen often enough. Regardless, it makes me a little happier to see a cleaner home.

Man why can't I just have a cleaning crew come twice a month? Oh yeah, because it is $50 a pop. It's a nice idea, but still. The problem is that we have way too much small junk and I don't have enough storage things. I keep saying I will have a garage sale, but I keep putting it off. Not only that, I need to write down the things that I want to sell. I'll figure it out whenever I have to start packing again. Perhaps I'll just get separate box(es) labeled as "Garage Sale" so that I can just get it sorted out. Hey a little extra money is a little extra money.

I can breathe a little bit easier. At least the house is presentable for our company tomorrow. I just have to finish ironing and do the kitchen. Tomorrow I plan on doing laundry. I know it means I will have to start over on ironing, but I can keep the clean laundry in the spare room until company leaves. I also want to wash the bedsheets, spray the pillows/mattress, air out the house by opening both doors for a while and get some more grocery shopping done to accommodate for six or seven people. Of course that means I will have to have cooking done before everyone comes at 6:30. Besides, I want to have Daylan for for a walk with me again. I'm still working on having him walk longer distances and he is fighting me on it with tooth and nail. Pretty soon I am going to have to seriously put my foot down. We both need exercise and he isn't getting it sitting and playing video games. It will be harder for me to get the motivation to lose weight if he isn't willing to do it with me.

Well, it is midnight and I want to get some more ironing done before I retire for the evening.

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