Saturday, January 29, 2011

Yesterday just wasn't a good day.

Today was a better day. I don't feel nearly as down as I was yesterday. Sometimes I get into these funks and all I can focus on is all the stuff I wish I could change. "If I had the money..." is how it usually starts. I'd pay off my car, I'd pay off my debts, I'd go to FL, I'd go places. Usually it's not an issue but sometimes these thoughts penetrate my brain. I think I can be mildly ADD because if one thing gets stuck in my head, then it stays for days.

For instance, Jennie showed me a wedding dress and whatnot, and that is what I thought about for a week. I thought about how I could plan a cheap wedding. If the dress was of good quality, I would wear this. Then it was about getting a house and furniture. I thought for days about the kind of house I would get. Then I got a traveling bug so I started to image all the planes I'd hop to visit all the countries on my list. It just seems that either I need a strong jolt to distract me, something new to replace the obsession or time to pass so it disappears on its own.

It seems that I will be cooking for six on Monday. I wasn't sure if Kristie and Desiree were going to come over. In fact, I thought that they wouldn't because I hadn't heard anything. Even Marcus and Amber didn't seem like they were going to come but Daylan says that they are. I will definitely need more groceries. I figure I will make cream cheese chicken. It was a hit with us. You look at the recipe list and it sounds disgusting, but we really did love it. It's cream cheese, mushrooms, chicken and then coated with nuts. There are other ingredients but that is pretty much the gist of it.  I guess I'll do boiled carrots with brown sugar and biscuits. I don't know about the sides yet.

I'm just glad that I am feeling better. Daylan and I went for a walk around the neighborhood and I went into a section I hadn't thought about before. We saw quite a few nice houses down there. "I'd buy that house" or "I'd build a house like that but it would have this drive way or this garage". We got back to talking about how much houses cost here. He asked me if I would turn half of the backyard into a garden and I told him it would depend on how big the yard is. I did find a house with a miniature green house in the front. It's perfect. No bugs could get to it and the deer wouldn't eat it. I could grow my own vegetables in there.

I even got another printer. It's the exact same one as the one we have, and hopefully it will work. There is no reason why it wouldn't. Who knows, maybe it has new ink in it. LOL. I can go back to printing my own coupons now :) Speaking of, I still need to clip last Sundays coupons. There weren't a bunch of coupons I'd use, but you never know. Something may go on sale. Now that Daylan bought me a coupon book, I can organize it without having thirty or forty loose coupons in my hand.

Anyway, I should go ahead and get a grocery list started for Monday and Daylan will be coming home from work shortly. Oh the joys of Sonic life. I can't wait for him to just leave and go work for the restaurant that his grandfather is buying. He'll make more money and get two days off. No more Sonic b.s. Now if only I could get him to quit his addiction with his xbox 360! LOL.

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