A friend shared a link on FB and I almost regret reading it. I'm pro-choice and I feel that a woman can do what she wants with her pregnancy, within reason. I say within reason because I don't think abortions should be used as a method of birth control but I can see instances where pregnancy just isn't the way to go. My views have been changing but I'm still pro-choice. There are just some women who shouldn't get that choice.
The whole story behind this article is about a family that is desperate to have a baby girl. With three healthy boys at home, the parents were pregnant and delivered a girl but the girl died shortly after birth. They claim to have been "robbed" of the little girl that they deserved and took additional methods to ensure another pregnancy. Once they discovered they were having twin boys, the family chose to abort both kids. They are trying to fight to say that they should be able to take some miracle drug that pre-determines whatever sex you want your child to be and they keep getting denied. She is saying her mental well being is hinged on having the baby girl that she lost.
Ok, I get they are upset but they aren't getting that little girl back. I just see so many things wrong with it. The article refused to give names, and that is probably the best thing that couple could have done despite their obvious stupidity, and they also didn't say how old the other three kids are. Can you imagine how they must feel? Mommy and Daddy are so obsessed with this one child that died, understandably, but they are so obsessed with having a girl. With them being boys, they must not feel worthy. The mother says she loves her boys, but really...how much love and attention can she possibly be giving them when she aborted two boys?
Another thing is that you don't find out the gender of a baby until you are 16 weeks or so. Legal abortions can not be done after 12 weeks. This woman was willing to go through a pregnancy almost to its halfway mark only to decide that she didn't like the results? She wants to play God? "No, these just won't do. Do away with them." So rather than adopting her two boys out at birth, she decides to abort them?
The way I see it, chances are she would have had another boy anyway. He obviously created five boys in the family and we all know that the sperm is what determines the sex of a child. Chances are they would have had to conceive quite a few more times till they got their jackpot. The gender needle would probably continue to hit on the blue mark. There are families that have six boys or six girls. They always try for a different sex but they never get it.
These drugs just are not the answer. There is no guarantee that it would work and the effects it may have on an embryo is inconclusive. Who knows what mental and/or physical abnormalities this child may have due to the reaction of the drug. A parent can spend a ton of money on some pills that may not work. Chances are, if they already were pregnant with five boys, they would still be told "Congratulations, it's a boy! Why are you crying?" Even if they found out they were having a girl, how would they feel if she isn't born right? She could be born blind, have failing organs, hidden testes or other health concerns. Would they feel horrible if they knew that all this could have been prevented if they just didn't try to play God? What if it was another boy? Would they just waste that money and abort another child?
If they are so determined to have a girl, then they need to find alternatives. They obviously didn't look into adoption and it may be for a stupid reason like "This child wouldn't be ours biologically." Whooptie do! At least they would be giving a child a home rather than denying a child of life. There are many couples who would have adopted both of those baby boys at birth. They wouldn't have cared what organ was between their legs. Or go to a sperm bank and choose a man who produces female offspring. You can go and screen for that. I'm sure the husband would understand....or would he? If they aren't willing to adopt, how would one feel to know that the mother is in fact blood?
They need to go ahead and focus their love and attention on the three children they already have. The state needs to tie her tubes. It is either that or she will get pregnant again and possibly have another abortion. Besides, if her mental well being is determined on her having a female, who is to say that her mental well being will even improve? Sometimes simple counseling won't work.
Here is the article if you feel the inkling to read it.
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