Sunday, December 19, 2010

I don't need anger management; what I need is for people to stop trying to piss me off.

1.Gay Rights
People have forgotten that equal rights no longer applies to just African Americans or women. The term is more broadly used to incorporate the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans gender) community. There is still a lot of racism and discrimination involved. Whether or not people agree with it, people need to learn how to not be offensive.

I understand that people do not agree with me because of their political or religious backgrounds and beliefs but when they become aggressive, I become defensive. It never ends well. It usually involves a person being disgusting, ignorant, condescending, rude and hateful towards me because of what I believe. My sexuality has nothing to do with it. I have plenty of friends who I support. It doesn't surprise me people are still in tolerate nor does it surprise me that people are hateful, but it does surprise me at the levels that people will take to show their dominance. Having an opinion is one thing but attacking is a whole other subject. I am passionate about this and I do become defensive quickly but I don't mind someone saying "No, I don't agree" as long as they aren't being rude. People will become an asshole just for their own amusement. There are plenty of times that I might agree with someone when they bring up a different topic, but I don't agree with the manner in which they are delivering their message. The delivery is key when it comes to a debate but a debate quickly becomes a heated argument if one person become so aggressive that the words that come out of their mouth become vile. Don't be hateful. It won't get a good response from me.

I feel that every human being regardless of their sexual orientation should be able to do everything that their neighbor can do. That includes gay marriage, serving openly in the military, being able to adopt children, be a politician (or the president), be the CEO of a company, win the lottery, buy cereal or whatever they want to do to be happy and fulfilled in their own lives. It isn't fair or equal rights if only heterosexual individuals can do it. Who is to say that someone within the LGBT community will want to do anything that I listed (if not more) but it is only fair that they should have the same options as anyone else.

2. Legalizing marijuana
This seems to be a hot topic amongst some of my friends back in Florida. It's no secret that I use to smoke pot when I was 19 and 20 but I don't see the need to make it legal. Not every substance needs to be. A lot of people are saying that if it were legal, it could be taxed. While that could help the economy, I don't see a lot of good to come from it. Whether or not it is safe isn't an issue with me. I see anything that is mind-altering as bad, which includes alcohol. Where I stand is anything that has the possibility of taking my son away from me is not something I want to be around. I do have friends that still smoke pot, but that is their personal choice. It just won't be mine.

People will argue that alcohol and cigarettes are far more harmful to one's health. It may be true, but I have yet to see someone who is high not be stupid. They may be more relaxed and they may not be so active but marijuana does induce paranoia. Just because people don't die of DUI's with marijuana doesn't mean that people are safe to drive while they are high. It is still a DWI, not to mention a gateway drug. Not everyone is content with the high that they get from marijuana. Their tolerance may increase and rather than spend more money on a higher amount of that particular drug, they may just introduce themselves to a different drug to "chase the dragon". Whether it is or isn't true is not the issue to me.

I want to set a good example for my five year old son. My son knows I drink. He knows his father and grandparents drink as well. He is very aware of which drinks are adult drinks and he knows not to drink it but I don't want it around him all the time. That is a personal choice because I don't want him to grow up believing it is ok just because his mother drinks. Marijuana is the same. I don't want him to do it at all, but I especially don't want it exposed to him as a child. If my friends want to, then I would request that they don't do it and/or bring it around my son. That is my personal choice.

. Politics
I'm not pro Obama. I'm not pro McCain. I'm not pro Bush. I just don't like politics. I find that it is so black and white. I tend to be more gray. Regardless of what my political standing is or could be, I know that it may change. Some devout Democrats may actually like a Republic candidate and the other way around. It does happen and people want to believe that it doesn't. People are so willing to start fights over politics in general and they love to blame the president.

Look, I may not have liked Bush and I don't like how things are going with Obama, but who is to say that McCain could have done a better job? The president isn't the one who makes all the rules. There are senate members. There are legislative members. The president just seems to be the face of it all. While I admit I don't understand anything about politics, I understand that not everything wrong with the government and economy is solely Obama's fault.

On top of that, I think it is un-American for people to be talking about causing harm to him. He is a father and a husband despite his title. Also race has nothing to do with how his term in office is going. If you want to blame anything, blame his party but not his race. An Asian could have made the same mistake as an African American. Lord knows we have had nothing but white presidents and many of them didn't do a good job. Some of them made a mockery out of the presidency. I think it was time to let someone else try it out. Besides, you never know. A female president probably would have cleaned up things more than any man of any race could have.

Yes, I said it. (May be continued on a different night)

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