Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Throw me a bone here

As an extension to my grocery blog, I want to address coupons. The reason why I want to address this is because I haven't really seen any lately. It's cool, for those who HAVE money, to find "deals" on toys or clothes or things of that nature. With Christmas literally right around the corner, I can see how now is a good time to be posting stuff like that. It just sucks for me.

I live on www.hip2save.com and I frequent other coupon sites on Facebook, but the number of coupons I've seen literally went to six to ten a week to zero in weeks. Today is the first day that I am finally finding coupons again. The only issue is I don't have a working printer. I think it is just because I am running low on ink, Daylan thinks paper is jammed. If it is indeed an ink issue, I heard from a girlfriend (who introduced me to hip2save) that I can bring the ink cartridges to Walgreens and they will refill it for less than $20. I'd rather do that than to pay four times that amount. I still have the windows open for the coupons I need to print, just in case. If I have to, I'll email it to myself and then go to a library to print it.

Since the number of coupons available has been nonexistant, my coupons have been running low. It is part of the reason why my grocery bill has been higher lately (besides the fact that I've been buying whole foods lately) I'm not even sure if whole foods is the correct term but I've been working on buying foods that are as natural as possible. Foods that go bad. Foods that mold. Foods that are just as they are when they leave the ground or are picked from the plant. The issue with coupons, as I mentioned earlier, is that it is usually for processed foods. Of course it will be cheaper to use those coupons, but the caloric intake and fat intake is much higher. The coupons I do try to use the most are: yogurts, cereals, toilet papers (which are hard to find), toiletries and juice. I try not to use processed foods like the mashed potatoes and items like that, but I have yet to make my own so....sometimes I cheat.

I am starting to run out of stuff. I only have one bottle of conditioner ready and there are just some items you should always have stocked because you use it a lot. It is nice that I am seeing a lot of coupons again. These people need to get back into it and get their ass into gear. I need more coupons. Of course I keep asking Daylan to grab the newspaper, or simply steal the coupons from his grandparents, but he never seems to do so. Our grocery bill would be so much smaller if he were to just do as I ask. However, what I really want right now is a coupon book.

This is pretty much the one I want. Of course I want a different design, but this has everything that I need. The deluxe version certainly is temping, but I only need the basic organizer. I'm not a pro yet. It pretty much is a wallet and a coupon organizer with a mini calculator and a mini shopping list. Yes, it is all about convenience, but I wouldn't imagine that a basic organizer is going to be a huge thing. It shouldn't take up a lot of room in my already large purse. I can always just keep my mini spiral notebook and just add a small calculator. If I do that, it will just drive Daylan crazy since he says we spent too much time in grocery stores as is. This is the site that I want to gt my organizer from. http://sophisticatedshoppers.com/

With all this said, I will make my mental plea to both the internet world and the manufacturing world to produce more coupons! They made my grocery experience so much more enjoyable. Grocery shopping already is a great experience for me, but sometimes that bill at the end is a bit much. I mean I am just shopping for two people at the moment. My grocery bill should not be as expensive as it is, and I shop with coupons. Of course, going to multiple stores would help but Daylan will never consider that. I'll be doing it in March. Shhhh. 

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