Friday, June 24, 2011

Daylan has competition

Yesterday afternoon, I asked Tricia if she could take me home from work. Since this is about the 4th or 5th time, I figured she wouldn't mind. As always, we sat and ate lunch in the restaurant. We talked with two other girls who we thought was attractive in the restaurant, who we are rumored to be "hooking up with", our high school stories and other not so classy things. It was all a great laugh.

Afterwards, I loaded up in the car and went with Tricia to get her two boys, Jared and Javen. Javen is the youngest and when he saw me in the front seat, his face brightened up and he waved at me. He got in the backseat of the car, found a plastic ring on the floor boards, and gave it to me. He said that it belonged to me now and that I should keep it. He wanted me to put it on right then and there, so getting the joke, I put it on my ring finger. It fit snug and I already had a feeling I wouldn't be able to get it off. He ended up wanting to sit in my lap until his mom came so that is what we did. He crawled and I helped pull him. There we sat for a minute as he looked at me and smiled. This little boy has only seen me a few times and it was only in the time it takes to drive me home. His mom came back a minute later and he had to go in the backseat.

I am now engaged to a 5yr old boy, and that little gesture made my day. Now I can't take the ring off! My hands started to swell during the night when I was picking  up the house. I'm sure the swelling will go back down but it is jut a matter of time before my knuckles swell again. It's not a big deal since the story behind the ring is a cute one. I just say Javen got me a fatty piece to sport around.

Isn't it a beauty?

I'm sure at some point I will take the ring off, but I imagine that at some point, Tricia is going to have to take me home again, probably next Thursday, and Javen will be tickled pink to see that I still have the ring on. :) I'm sure I could take it off around that time....if my hands allow.

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