Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Maybe things will go according to plan!

There are lots of things I want in life, but one of the "items" at the top of my list is getting a job in Florida. The key to getting what you want, besides working for it, is to stay positive. Positive affirmations definitely keep you from doubting yourself and that is something that I have to work on. I only do it part time. It is impossible to only think positive things, but I need to go into myself and increase the percentage on positive thoughts.

I deserve a good job in Florida.

I will get a good job in Florida.

I deserve nothing less but a good job in Florida.

I keep going on to Craigslist to put in resumes. I usually don't get much more than the "Thank you for emailing your resume. It will be looked over by management so look forward to a phone call!". I know it is an automatic email sent out to whoever sends in a resume. I'm sure I could send a joke or a riddle and I would get that email in return. I'm sure those companies go through a lot of emails and read a lot of resumes, so I don't blame them for doing it. I just find it to be rather amusing that most of these emails go the same way.  It just sucks when I think that I got an actual response about my resume. LOL!

Anyways, this is the game plan that I am hoping I can get. Of course I will be happy with a job, in general, but if I had everything my way then this is pretty much how it will go. I will get to have a normal day job 8-5 or 7-4. I would get at least $9.25 an hour. I would have Tuesdays and Thursdays off. The week day would be for whatever appointments I need. Doctor's appointments for Gabriel, or myself, car appointments etc. I would get  40 hours a week so before taxes, I would make $1480. Daylan would be living with me and working dayshifts as well. Gabriel would be with us at night and we work while he is in school. While Gabriel is at his Dad's for the weekends, I would work at a grocery store Friday and Saturday nights. I could use the extra money for savings and I would know when the good deals are going on in the store. Good deals plus coupons? Oh yeah. If he wanted to get a second job the same weekends, great. It's money we could use to save for the wedding. We have so much to save up for :). A house, a wedding, new vehicles, a honeymoon (whenever that will be ), college, a washer/dryer etc.

Yes, we would be busy but if we had the same days off (at least one of them) and still had the weekday nights off together, we would be better than ok. We could definitely afford something nice, but not over-priced. I could have a place with a dishwasher, washer/dryer hook-ups, a door with a peep-hole, screens over the windows, central heating/air conditioning and enough space in the kitchen to store food. Oh the simple things! I say this because I don't have ANY of that now. Yeah, this lake house is old and was not meant to literally be lived in.

They say money doesn't buy happiness, but it will at least pay the bills, keep you clothed, keep you fed, get you to your job and let you have a little fun. Like I said, there are a lot of things I want in life and I need money for almost all of it. Money may not be the main thing, but it sure funds the things I want in life. Whoever said that money doesn't buy happiness pretty much is a liar.

Yeah. A liar.

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