Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Once again I am experiencing insomnia. It is 1:30 in the morning and I am hoping that my first yawn of the evening will give way to some sleep. I really hate being awake in the middle of the night. It isn't that I can't sleep, it's just that my sleep schedule is so strange lately. My body can't decide if it is tired or not. There are days that I am on the couch and realize that two hours disappeared and then there are days when I am tired at 11pm.

It is a shame that we can't just turn our minds and bodies off like a light switch. We flip them and our body gives us ten minutes till it shuts down. It is enough time to use the restroom, change, brush your teeth and hit the hay. In fact, that would work splendidly with children as well. Goodness, bedtimes would be so much easier in every house hold. Too bad I can't create that and patent it.

Maybe we should just have everyone watch poker every night before bed. It usually bores me to tears in the middle of the night, which is strange because I can watch it with Daylan around 10pm. I guess it is just more entertaining if Daylan is awake with me. It is never as fun watching it on tv (when you would rather play it with friends) and it is worse when you are watching it alone.

I just don't think it will work. Why? I'm too busy thinking "Too bad I'm not good at playing poker, or I'd be making money with it."

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