Sunday, November 28, 2010

Of all problems, I never imagined this would be one

So here is a quick update on my tongue. Yeah. Who would have thought I would even think about writing about that?

Around 1am, I was wanting to go to sleep so I took some Goody's powder in hopes it would alleviate the pain long enough to let me sleep. Around 4 am, I woke up with my mouth being in pain. I practically tore my room apart searching for the original tongue ring that I had because I knew the box it was in. At first I thought I found it and I was breathing a sigh of relief, but it wasn't it. I finally realized that I had to take out my tongue ring.

What really sucks is that when I did, I saw that there were two bumps on both sides of the piercing itself. I touched it and realized it was really tender. I lifted my tongue to look underneath and saw that it was really red. I folded my tongue in half to see what was up and noticed a bead of puss forming out of the piercing itself. Yeah. I was not a happy camper.

I'm not sure if my tongue has healed up or if my tongue is so swollen that I can't get my tongue ring back in, but either way the situation sucks. I'm just continuing to swish salt water in my mouth and then follow it up with Listerine. The only upside is that Daylan bought some Aleve for me (the Albertson's pharmacist said it should work twice as long as ibuprofen and still control swelling) and Daylan's dad is going to grab some broad spectrum antibiotics from Grandpa Sir. The Aleve isn't taking away the swelling, but it is controlling the pain a little. It's at least not a nuisance as it was earlier.

Daylan asked me how much it would cost to get my tongue done again, and it is approximately $50, but he is going to see if he can get me a longer barbell on Thursday assuming the hole is still open by then. I doubt it will be, but it is worth a try. If I can get the swelling down, I can try again to see if I can get the barbell in. Right now just isn't a good time to try. I just want my tongue to stop forming puss.

It's clearly an infection, but I am hoping Daylan can pick up the antibiotics tonight. Maybe it will clear up whatever is wrong with my left tonsil. I have a sore throat on one side. I'd rather have my week long headache than this garbage.

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