Saturday, January 15, 2011

So I am in our room...

I'm in our room, minding my own business, and I come across this site. I decide to read it and I begin to laugh so hard that I am crying. Not only that, my head hurts and my stomach hurts. I should have ate earlier. Daylan decides to check up on me and asks me why I've been laughing for over an hour because it is distracting. I tell him about this site and he asks me what is wrong with me because I'm snorting now. I just can't breathe.

I bet he is wondering if I have lost my mind.

Anyway, the site is called I swear, it is my new favorite site. As everyone knows, iPhones don't have keyboards. Their keyboards are touch screens and they aren't exactly....accurate. To top that mess off, it still uses auto correct and has a larger dictionary than previous phones. All that means is that I get more laughs from reading people's text messages. 

Warning! Some of these are sexual in nature when they really are not meant to be. Here are some samples:

Auto correct 23, texters 0. Oh yeah baby!