Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hastings may lose a valued customer soon

On Monday I was able to print off some coupons for three movies I was interested in buying. It's rare that has movie coupons and the chances that I would find movies I like are slim to none. I got lucky and was able to print off three coupons. One was $4 off of Easy A in Blu-ray or dvd, one was $4 off of Karate Kid (the new one) Blu-ray or dvd and the other was $3 off Romeo and Juliet Blu-ray or dvd.

 I walk inside Hastings and make bee-lines for these movies. I'm feeling like a rock star. I have coupons in my hand to save me $11 and I know they usually have deals on movies. Buy one used get one for $1. I find Karate Kid and Easy A used for $9.99 and I am feeling good. I find Romeo and Juliet on sale (brand new) for $9.99. Well, because we got two used, we decided to grab some movie I've never heard of as Daylan's choice and Inception used as ours.

We make our way to the register. I'm still feeling pretty good. I even tell Daylan how much I rock because we are going to be leaving with extremely cheap movies and we did it without stealing or cheating.

Some little dimwit wouldn't even LOOK at my coupons. He just said if they weren't Hastings coupons, then there was no way that they could take it because it would be fraud. The poor guy on the register must have seen the look in my eyes because I began to see red. In my mind, I remembered when I brought a similar coupon to get Home Alone for $4. This was Christmas! I know that they are able to take these coupons, but the guy at the register had to listen to the person who must have been in charge. He wasn't a manager.

My eyes were wide and my hands were in fists by my thighs. I didn't say anything except "This was the ONLY reason why we came here.". Daylan took over. He paid for the movies anyway and whispered how he thought I was still a rock star. It didn't even matter at this point in time. All I thought was 'Who the hell doesn't take coupons?' Daylan tried to reassure me that maybe they changed their coupon policy and all I kept saying was that we would return and talk to someone else. That's $11 we could have saved! Our total wouldn't have been $37 (he rented a game as well), it would have been approximately $26 or so for the five movies.

Lets just say I didn't bother to take the movies out of the car. We will be back and I will bring those coupons and the receipt. If a manager says that we could have used those coupons, they will void the entire sale and start over from scratch. I will give them the description of the guy who said that he couldn't use the coupons. So far I haven't found anything in their coupon policy online that states that they no longer take internet coupons. If you look at the two pictures, you can see that there isn't anything wrong with the coupons. They aren't expired. It says blu-ray or dvd, it even has a barcode to scan. I bet if they were to scan it, it would take it. If the computer were to say that it wasn't valid, then at least I would understand....somewhat.

I still would have brought the movies inside.

With the look on my face, I'm surprised Daylan even bought the movies. I was tempted to just walk out the door and tell the blonde guy to fuck himself. I was furious. The cashier was trying to make the situation better, and Daylan really could have cared less, but my head was spinning. I'm honestly surprised that the situation even had me as livid as I did. No matter how you look at it, $11 is still $11. Who doesn't want to save money or get a good deal? Hopefully we can go back tomorrow or on Friday. I refuse to open the movies until then.

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