Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We interrupt your current broadcast to bring you this message from our sponsors.

I'm lucky to have a guy that is so supportive of me, even if he teases me a lot. He's financially supported me whenever I couldn't find a job. He doesn't care if I decide I want to go to Tricia's house and hang out or go to the bar ::gasp!:: with my co-workers after a rough night at work. He doesn't get on my case about my couponing habit, my long trips to the store or my makeup. He doesn't even get on my case about the things I post.  He CAN be annoying, and he is annoying a lot of the time, but he is still a great guy. He pretty much bends over backwards for me. Is our relationship perfect? No. We have quite a few kinks we still have to work on. Have we changed since we started dating? Yes. Have we changed since I first moved? Yes. Do I sometimes get so angry with him I want to roll his head down the hallway? Yes but we still work.  We still laugh at each other. We still have fun with each other. I have my moments when I want to kill him but there are still the moments when I want him to come home. I still want to be able to go somewhere with him. We are human and we are a normal couple. The honeymoon stage may be over, but we are still human and still normal.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

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